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"It's a girl!" Sansa yelled, holding up the screaming baby after she cut and tied the umbilical cord. "Dany it's a girl!"

"She's....beautiful." Daenerys panted as she tried catching her breath. "My baby..."

"Hold on, let us wash her." Sansa said walking to a basin filled with warm water and placing the baby in.

"See, that wasn't so bad was it?" Arya asked as she placed a clean blanket over Dany and wiped the queen's soaked forehead.

"Where's my husband?" Dany asked looking around the room. "Where's Jon?"

"Dany?" Daenerys lifted her head up to see Jon enter the room. Snow was starting to melt in his dark hair and on his fur cloak.

"It's a girl Jon." Dany said as Sansa handed her a small bundle that was still crying. "Come see her."

Jon removed his cloak and placed it on a chair before walking to his wife's side to see his child.

A small pink baby layed in the dragon queen's arms, her cries ceasing to small hiccups as her mother cradled her in her arms and began to hum softly.

"Looks like we have a princess." Jon chuckled when the baby stopped crying. "May I?"

Dany nodded and handed her husband their daughter. Jon cradled his daughter to his chest and she gave a small yawn and stretched her hand out towards his face.

"She looks like the last baby I had." Dany said when Jon handed her the baby. "My little Rhego."

"What will we name this one?" Jon asked.

"Ashaeya, her name will be Ashaeya Targaryen." Dany said, stroking her daughter's soft white hair. "My little dragon of of the North."

"May I take Ashaeya to meet her brothers?" Jon asked.

When Dany gave him her permission to take the baby outside, he wrapped her up in furs and carried her out of the castle. Ghost scampered up to him and nuzzled the furry bundle Jon carried.

"This is Ashaeya, Ghost. I expect you and Nymira to take very good care of her." Jon instructed the direwolf. Ghost licked Jon's gloved hand in response and followed him out past the gates of the castle where the woods was.

As Jon walked through the woods humming softly to his daughter, he heard the sound of something large. He didn't panicked when three large dragons crawled out from the trees to inspect the scent of the newborn.

"Boys, I'd like for you to meet you sister." Jon said holding up the baby.

One of the dragons, Rhaegal, stepped forward and sniffed the furs. Ashaeya woke up and stretched her small hand towards the dragon's muzzle. Her soft hand touched the scaly nose of her older brother and she smiled. Rhaegal grunted and softly nuzzled her hand.

"There you go, see how he likes you?" Jon said lowering his daughter and holding her out to the other two dragons.

Once he had done that, he walked back to the castle, showing off his daughter to the servants till Ashaeya started to sneeze. He carried her back to the nursery that he fixed up and placed her inside of a cradle and wrapped in a soft blue blanket.

"Sleep well my little princess." He whispered, kissing her forehead. Ashaeya gave him a sleepy smile that stayed on her face as she closed her eyes. Jon pulled a chair over to the cradle and began to rock it gently and singing softly to Ashaeya.

Lay down
Your sweet and weary head
Night is falling
You’ve come to journey's end
Sleep now
And dream of the ones who came before
They are calling
From across the distant shore

Why do you weep?
What are these tears upon your face?
Soon you will see
All of your fears will pass away
Safe in my arms
You're only sleeping

What can you see
On the horizon?
Why do the white gulls call?
Across the sea
A pale moon rises
The ships have come to carry you home

And all will turn
To silver glass
A light on the water
All souls pass

Hope fades
Into the world of night
Through shadows falling
Out of memory and time
Don't say: «We have come now to the end»
White shores are calling
You and I will meet again

And you'll be here in my arms
Just sleeping

And all will turn
To silver glass
A light on the water
Grey ships pass
Into the West

"I see you're being acquainted with your daughter, Lord Snow." Jon turned to see Tyrion standing in the doorway with a large book tucked under his arm.

"Dany says she looked like the baby she had years ago." Jon said turing his attention back to the cradle.

"Well, I think this one will have better luck." Tyrion said, walking into the room and standing next to the cradle to look at the baby. "What did you two decide to name her?"

"Ashaeya." Jon responded. "Ashaeya Targaryen, the dragon of the North.

"Call her Ash for short then." Tyrion said with a nod. "And I thought you were the dragon of the North."

"I'm the white wolf of the North, Ashaeya is the dragon of the North."

"Well let's hope she can live up to her name, and live up to both your legacies."

"She will Tyrion, she certainly will." Jon said as his daughter gave a small yawn and stretched before settling back down in her blankets. "Perhaps she will be greater than me and her mother someday."

Daughter of the Dragon [HTTYD/ASOIAF]Where stories live. Discover now