My Savior and My Teacher - Chapter 1

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He carried me gently out of the alley and even thought it was still night, I squinted from the light of the lamp post above us. He put me down on the floor as carefully as he could and lent me up against the wall. He stood down looking at me. As I looked up at him I felt my jaw fall open. It had been so dark in the alley I had had no idea what he looked like but now I could see, I thought it was gorgeous. He was tall, around 6'4". His face was oval shaped and his mouth full which currently held a sympathetic smile. His hair was ruffled and messy; sticking out in all directions, but it still was able to look good. Then I saw his eyes. They were deep chocolate brown with greeny tints close the centre. They were amazing and I couldn't help but get lost in them. I only realised I was staring when the man let out an awkward cough. I grinned sheepishly at him.

"Sorry.." I said. He just laughed and sat down next to me. I couldn't help but move closer so that our bodies were touching, he was so warm and it was a cold night. I rested my head on his strong shoulder. It was then a thought flitted across my mind: I had no idea who this person was. I twisted my head to look up at him and he smiled at me again.

"Um... Can I just ask, who are you?" I was meant to speak clearly but it came out a whisper. He smiled at me.

"I'm Peter, I'm 30, I live literally just down the road, and I know what you're probably thinking but I really can be trusted." His smile was so convincing I couldn't help but believe him. I nodded at him to show I did. He then stood up and held me his hand. I grasped it thankfully but felt tingles rush up my arm and my heart went crazy again. I mentally kicked myself. This was really quite stupid, I had met him seconds ago, and he was 30. I couldn't and shouldn't feel anything like this around him. But then he slid he arm around my waist to help my ankle and I couldn't help postponing my internal argument with myself.

He was right about living just down the road. It took us about 5 minutes to get there. His slipped the key into the lock and opened the door. He sat me down on the stairs and walked into what I assumed was the living room. I heard low whispers and then he returned with a woman. I felt a spasm of jealousy as I saw her. She was very pretty, and the way he looked at her...

"Hi, I'm Lucy, we should probably get you cleaned up, come on" she said with a warm smile and she gestured to the stairs. I walked straight up and she pointed me in the direction of a small but sweet spare bedroom. She followed a few minutes after with a spare pair of clothes, some pyjamas and some towels. She placed them all on the bed.

"If you hop in the shower, when you come down we'll see what we can get you food wise." She was so kind I almost cried. Despite being incredibly jealous I really did like her.

"Thank you..." I whispered "So much..." She smiled once more and then disappeared. I slipped out of my muddy and bloody clothes and chucked them in a pile in the corner. I wrapped a towel round me and ran to the shower. A shower was what I really needed. I could relax and think as I let the hot water run over me, releasing the tension. Just as I was finishing conditioning my hair, a thought struck me that nearly knocked me over. Mum. I couldn't believe that I had just left her and then forgotten her. Gasping for breath to calm down I leapt out the shower and wrapped a towel around me and ran into the hall. I also ran smack into Peter. He stumbled back a little but was laughing. I tried smiling, and ignoring my heart but both failed. He looked at me and his expression turned serious.

"Katie?" he asked. It was my turn to stumble back. I had never told neither him nor Lucy my name... How did he know? This wasn't important now though. I felt the tears run their course down my cheeks.

"My Mum..." I choked. "I left her... In the house... Oh God... What if he got her?" Peter immediately wrapped his arms around me as I sobbed and he sank to his knees with me. He rocked me close to him, whispering in my ear. I don't really know what happened after that. I heard Lucy come up the stairs and I heard him whispering instructions to her, something about calling someone but then we just sat there. I was still in my towel and soaking wet, I must've been making him wet too but he didn't seem to care. He just held me until I ran out of tears. When he did he carried me to my bed, slipped my towel off and my pyjamas on. It sounds strange, and slightly perverted but it was like he was a dad or a big brother. He tucked me up under the covers but didn't leave which I was extremely grateful for. I wouldn't have been able to fall asleep if I was on my own. He lay on the bed next to me, his hand stroking my hair. I snuggled into his chest and wrapped my arm around him. It was probably inappropriate but I really wanted to be held. He whispered into my ear constantly, about pretty much everything, his childhood, his family, how everything was going to be okay, how he'd find a place in school for me... And in this weird sort of bliss amidst all the grief and worry I fell into an uneasy sleep.

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