My Savior and My Teacher - Chapter 13

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"Crap" said Peter as we got in the car and looked at the clock. We drove at mental speeds down the few streets that led to the school. He pulled up outside the back and I went to open the door. He grabbed my hand and pulled me into a delicious kiss.

"Thanks, again for this morning, and have a good day" he said with a grin. I laughed and got out the car. I watched it speed round to the front of the school. I sighed and started to walk round. I was instantly greeted by an over excited Darius.

"Ohmigosh, you'll never guess I ran into at the bus stop?" he squealed. I gave him a questioning look.

"That reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally cute doctor guy! And you'll never guess what he said" he said excitedly. I laughed.

"What did he say?" I asked as we walked into the home room.

"He said I was cute, and that he'd like to see me again" Darius said, sounding like he was about to burst with excitement. I grinned at him.

"Awesome, welldone" I said, but then I realised something. "Isn't he a little old for you?" I asked. Darius shrugged, grinned at me then ran over to tell Megan and Georgie.

"That's a bit rich, coming from you" whispered someone into my ear. I spun round to see Tim stood very close behind me with a small grin on his face. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Well, it had to be brought up at some point" I said, realising I had no idea what to say. Tim smiled at me, and then leant towards me. I took a step back. He looked hurt.

"Sorry" he mumbled. Now I felt guilty.

"It's not you, it's just you know I'm with someone right now, and I don't cheat" I said, desperately trying to make him look better. He looked up at me with unhappiness in his eyes.

"You shouldn't have lead me on then" he said roughly as he pushed past me. I had an urge to just cry but I didn't. Instead I turned round and followed Tim to the others. I sat down in my usual place, but instead of Tim sitting next to me, like normal, he sat at the opposite end of the table to me. I looked up at him, feeling so guilty. He was right, it was my fault. He looked at me back with big eyes and he looked like he was about to cry. I was just about to say something when something small but hard hit me in the back of the head. I spun round, ready to yell at the person who had thrown it only to see the face of a grinning TJ. I almost screamed in frustration. Could I not have one day where I don't have to worry about boys? Just one? They always seemed to want something. I sighed at looked at him, raising an eyebrow. He gave me a wink.

"How's my girl?" he asked. I glared up at him.

"I'm not your girl" I said, furiously. I stood up to walk out and get some air but he wrapped his arms around my stomach.

"Don't touch my stomach" I yelled, placing my hands over my flat stomach. Sure, I knew that he wouldn't do any harm to the baby by doing that but a part of me really didn't want TJ being that close to my baby. He had removed his arms and placed his hands above his head like I should be pointing a gun at him. He looked terrified, as did most of the class who had all turned to look when they heard my outburst. I felt my cheeks getting hot and I walked quickly out of the classroom. I walked straight towards a wall and leant my head against it, letting the coldness spread. I took a few deep breaths, turned round and opened my eyes.

"Sorry" said TJ, who was stood centimetres away from me. I jumped out my skin, I had though I was alone. I sighed, exasperated and shook my head at him.

"So what's so special about your stomach, you're not pregnant, are you?" he joked, a smile on his face. I tried to make my face smile back, but TJ had known me for so long he knew it was fake. I saw his grin slide off his face and he looked at me concerned.

"But, I thought you were waiting to have sex" he whispered, his eyes desperately looking into mine.

"I was, but then I found someone and I didn't see why I should" I said, looking down at my feet. Next thing I know I was being enveloped into a huge hug. He was rocking me back and forth. I think it was to help him calm down rather than me though.

"Are you keeping it?" he whispered into my ear. I nodded. He released me and sighed.

"Can I just have one request?" he asked, looking up at me. I nodded, warily. I should've said no, but I couldn't say no to those eyes.

"I know I'm not related but can I be it's favourite uncle?" he asked, a small smile on his face. I laughed and nodded.

"So, is the father staying with you, he'd better be looking after you right" he said, concerned. I smiled at him. This new sensible and mature TJ was suiting me.

"Yep" I said, and I held up my hand so he could see the ring on my finger. His jaw dropped open and his breathing quickened.

"TJ?" I said, worried. He shook his head and that was when I saw the tears.

"No" he croaked out. I took a step towards him but he leapt back. I watched him sob and took another step towards him, wanting to comfort him. He screeched at me and ran down the corridor. I stood there with my mouth open, looking down where TJ had disappeared. Just then the bell went and I was surrounded by people but still I couldn't move. I just stood there as the people swarmed around me. I couldn't believe I'd just pushed away two of the people I cared most about in one morning. What was wrong with me?

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