My Savior and My Teacher - Chapter 7

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I gasped as those black, cold eyes bored into mine. I pushed myself back off the bed, trying to get as far away from him as I could. When he saw me grabbing anything I could a sick grin spread across his face. I grabbed the pen knife off of the side and pointed it at him it what I hoped was a threatening way. His eyes opened wide, but I could tell he was just mocking me. It was then that I realised the window was open, and I wanted to scream but nothing would come out. I couldn't move, my body had frozen in fear. He opened it a little wider and poked his head through.

"You have a pen knife, but look what I have..." he said in a gruff voice, his words slurred. Just as he said that he slipped his hand into his back pocket and pulled something out of it. I only realised what it was when he pointed it at me. I went to gasp but again I was still frozen. He was pointing a gun at me. He smiled at me, and I felt an urge to jump on him and cause him as much pain as I could. Then he faltered, and his eyes flickered round the room. They rested on Peter's sleeping body and his face became a picture of sick joy. He looked back to me and raised an eyebrow. I shook my head, begging him silently not to do that. But he did. He moved his arm slowly round so that it was pointing at Peter. What happened after that was instinct. He grinned at me.

"Say bye bye" he said to me. I leapt to my feet and dived for Peter. I wanted to pull him out of the way but out of the corner of my eye I saw that sick man at the window pull the trigger. I did the only thing I knew to do. To save Peter. I moved my body so that I was in front of him and closed my eyes.

I heard the bang and felt the pain searing through my shoulder. Everything was black and someone was screaming. My head was going fuzzy but over the screams I could hear something I knew I had to listen to. Peter.

"Katie, stop screaming, don't worry, it'll be okay" he was saying, his voice thick with tears. I realised it was me screaming. I shut my mouth immediately. I tried to concentrate on what Peter was saying to me but I couldn't. The pain was taking over and after a few seconds of writhing I felt my body go limp as it shut down and everything went black.

When I came back into consciousness my head was woozy, they had obviously given me a lot of pain killers. I opened my eyes slowly and let the bright light hit them. When I looked around it was obvious I was in a hospital. I looked out of the tall glass doors and saw two police men there talking to one of the nurses. Even though I knew that they were here to help they still gave me the creeps. I shuddered.

"Katie?" I heard a voice say. My heart leapt at the sound. I moved my head to see where it had come from and sure enough Peter was sat on one of the chairs. When I looked closely I could see bags under his eyes and his face was streaked with tears.

"Peter" I said, trying to sound happy but all I could do was choke back tears. He smiled with such relief on his face I couldn't help but let the tears fall. He instantly got up off of the chair he had been sat on and came and sat on the bed. He wrapped his arms around me, being careful of my shoulder. He rocked me gently and I sobbed into him.

"It's going to be okay" he whispered to me. I had a small flash back to when he had comforted me before. This time was different though. Instead of him saving me, I had saved him. Suddenly though, a thought popped into my head.

"You have to go!" I said, panicking. He looked shocked at first, and then just very hurt.

"Why? Did I do something? If I did I'm so sorry!" he said, worry in his eyes. I sighed and shook my head.

"No, it's not that" I said, thinking he was mad to think that I didn't want him "it's just we're in public, you could go to jail and I don't want that"

"Oh" he said and he slid off the bed, checking the glass doors to see if the police had seen. They hadn't.

Peter and I sat and talked for a few minutes when one of the policemen from outside walked in.

"Hello, I just need to ask a few questions" he said, as he walked in, in what I was sure was a voice I recognised. I looked up at him but he had his head down so I couldn't see his face. I waited for him to get to the end of the bed.

"Go on then" I said, sighing.

"Okay" he said, cheerily, looking up at me. For the second time today, I found myself staring into the eyes of my Mum's killer, looking at the face with that sick twisted grin. I reached for Peter, but he was gone.

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