My Savior and My Teacher - Chapter 16

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The drive on the way to school was a silent one. I had barely spoken to Peter all morning, and I think he knew something was really wrong but I couldn't bring myself to tell him what I was going to put myself through for him. I could feel him looking over at me every now and again but I just continued to stare out of the window. We finally got to school and he got out and opened the door for me. I stood up numbly and I felt him slam the door closed. He put his hands on the side of my face and lifted up so I was looking at him. He looked like he was going to cry.

"Katie, please tell me what's wrong. This is killing me" he said, his voice gruff. I sighed; I was going to have to lie to him. I looked down at me feet and then plastered on my best fake smile. When he saw that he looked a little taken aback.

"I'm fine, just tired" I said, squeezing his arm. He didn't look like he totally believed me but he didn't look in so much pain. He gently kissed me and then walked round to get back into the car. I watched him drive round to the front of the school and I walked round. I walked slowly to the home room but I couldn't put off seeing Georgie and Tim and I walked towards the table.

"Hey, girl" Damien called. I smiled weakly at him and he turned back to his conversation with Tim. I looked over at Georgie but she wasn't looking at me, she was staring at the paper in front of her. I shrugged mentally and started to talk to Megan. Maybe I could get through today. Maybe it wasn't going to be that bad. The bell went and I made my way with Megan to Biology. I wanted to get there quickly because I knew that while I was near Peter he wouldn't let anything happen to me and I wanted that security just for a little while. We walked in the door laughing but my laughter was abruptly cut off when I saw a man stood in the place of Peter. He was smiling, no grimacing at us as we walked to our seats. My heart was hammering in my chest. Where was Peter? He hadn't said he had a meeting today. I took a couple of deep breaths to calm myself down but I started again when I saw Georgie walk in. She didn't have Biology this unit but she just strolled over to the new man. She was talking to him as if she knew him. I looked more closely at the man. He wasn't bad looking but since I had fallen for Peter I hadn't seen anyone else in that way. Just as I was looking at him he looked up. His eyes flickered back to Georgie. Her mouth moved and a grin spread across his face as he turned back to me. My stomach dropped. That wasn't a good grin, it was an evil grin. I shivered and started down at my book. I slid my phone out of my pocket and called Peter. He didn't pick up. I tried to convince myself he was in a meeting but it wasn't working. I turned back to the teacher who was now setting work. Georgie was no where to be seen. I relaxed a little and settled into my work but all too soon the bell went and I started to feel sick again.

"You coming outside?" asked Megan, cheerily. I wished I could say yes. I wished I could just walk away with her but I couldn't. I shook my head.

"I've got to go talk to someone" I mumbled. She looked a bit confused but gave me a wave and skipped outside. I watched her go and then started to walk towards the girls bathrooms, resisting the urge to cry all the way. I was just walking past the closet that it next to the loo's when a hand grabbed me and pulled me in. I went to scream but a strong hand was put over my mouth.

"Shut up" I heard Georgie hiss, and she slapped me. A tear escaped my careful guard as the pain shot through me. I tried to free myself but the hands holding me in place. It felt odd though, they weren't feminine hands. That was when I heard a man laugh.

"My God, she's even better close" said the man, and I faintly recognised the voice. His hand ran down my side.

"Who are you?" I stuttered, terrified.

"This is my friend, Rick Matthews" Georgie said, sweetly. Matthews... I'd heard that before and then it hit me.

"Mr. Matthews who took our Biology class this morning?" I whispered in shock. I knew something had been off but not this big. She just giggled and then I felt her hand trace my cheek. I felt her lips on mine and I squeezed my eyes shut. I felt her stiffen.

"You're not kissing me back" she said in a low threatening voice. I knew what was coming next, I braced myself but then Rick spoke.

"Let me loosen her tongue a little" he said. Georgie didn't sound pleased but she didn't hit me. I felt myself being rolled over onto my stomach and then pulled up so I was on my hands and knees. I felt those strong hands start to pull my trousers down but that was too much.

"Stop" I said, sternly and I tried to wriggle free but Georgie kicked me in the ribs. The pain was excruciating and I felt myself go light headed.

"Punish her" she said and then I felt something hard come down and smack me on the ass. I went to scream but Georgie clamped my mouth together. This went on for the whole 20 minutes till the bell went. When it did go both of them stood up and walked quickly out of the door. I just lay there feeling exposed but most of all in pain. The tears ran down my cheeks but I knew I had to pull it together. I pulled my trousers up and gently did them up. I walked awkwardly out of the closet. People walked past me and I expected them to notice me but no one stopped to help me. I must've looked normal, which surprised me. How I could be in so much pain and yet it be invisible to everyone else? I shuddered at the thought and hurried to my next lesson. It was painful to sit down but I sat there in silence, watching the second hand moving closer to when I could go home.

The day slowly but surely carried on and finally the bell went and I almost ran out school. I ran past the car park to notice that Peter's car wasn't there. I started to panic and I ran as fast as my legs to take me. The cold air was hurting my face and my limbs were screaming at me but I couldn't help think what would happen if Georgie and Mr. Matthews had gotten to Peter. I flung myself round the corner to our cottage and pushed the door open. My breathing was close to hyperventilating but I made my way through the house. In the kitchen there was a broken wine glass, I felt sick. Please, let Peter be okay, I kept thinking.

"Peter" I called out, desperately, my voice sounding strangled. There was no reply. I was close to actually being ill now. I looked down to the floor to see drops of blood on the wooden floor, not far from the broken wine glass. I followed the drops, dreading what I would find. They lead into our bedroom. My eyes glanced over to the bed and I screamed myself hoarse at what I saw. Peter was laying unconscious and naked on the bed. His hands and feet were tied and he was covered in blood. I did the first thing that I could think to do. I pulled out my phone and called an ambulance. I knew that I was going to have to come up with some excuse as to why I was in the mans house, and I was probably going to have to give an address to where I lived but I didn't care about being caught anymore. I just wanted Peter to be okay because if he wasn't I would have no one.

Once I had called the ambulance I ran over to him. I stroked his head. He stirred and his eyes flickered open. I felt the tears run down my cheeks. He looked so pale and so weak. I was going to kill the bastard that did this to him. I felt the anger well up in me and I was just about to get up when he said something.

"Katie" he whispered. I almost choked at how weak his voice was. I squeezed his hands gently. He smiled at me and opened his mouth to say something else but he slipped back into unconsciousness. I ran into the kitchen and pulled out one of the knifes. I ran back into the bedroom and began to saw carefully at the rope binding his wrists and ankles. He stirred a couple of times while I was doing this but he was never strong enough to speak and always fell back. I heard the screaming noise of the sirens and the ambulance pulled up. Two paramedics ran in just as the rope broke free. The got to work and I shakily sat down. It wasn't long before the lifted him onto a stretcher. The woman walked over to me, smiling.

"Would you like to come with him?" she asked, kindly. I nodded and clambered into the back of the ambulance. I closed my eyes and prayed and we started to speed down the road.

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