My Savior and My Teacher - Chapter 23

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Peter's POV

I sighed and leant against the wall of the room Lucy was sorting out Katie. I wanted to go back in, I didn't like leaving her, even if it was only for a few hours. I didn't have much choice though, Lucy would just kick me out again so I started to walk down the hall. I made my way into the kitchen to find Mitch's round face looking admiringly at a young man I hadn't seen before. Their hands entwined. Mitch looked up, his light brown hair falling over his eyes.

"Hey" he said with a grin. I nodded and turn my attentions to the other man. I held out my hand.

"Peter" I said, and he smiled.

"Johnny" he said, with a cute guy grin. I could see what my brother saw in him.

"So when can we see the lucky girl?" Mitch asked, clapping his hands excitedly. I laughed and was about to answer when Roger walked in, his big build was hard to miss.

"I was just thinking that" he said, casually sitting down on one of the chairs.

"I don't know, Lucy and Mum are getting her ready" I said, getting a couple of beers out of the fridge and throwing one at Roger who caught it easily.

"Poor her" said someone at the door. All four of our heads turned to see Dad stood casually in the door way. I looked up and grinned at me.

"Hey, son" he said, ruffling my hair like I was 5. I heard Roger stifle a laugh.

"Hey Dad" I said, offering him a beer. He took it gratefully.

"The area's all set up further down the beach" he said, stretching back. I grinned at him gratefully. He was fantastic my Dad.

"So how old is she?" Roger asked, from the kitchen and all apart from Dad turned their heads to look at me in interest. I sighed.

"She's 16" I said. I waited for some sort of reaction, but it was silence until Mitch finally laughed.

"Well your pulling powers, for the first time, officially beat mine" he said with a grin. I whacked him round the head but playfully. Roger was smiling at me from the kitchen and I was glad, that finally, my whole family was behind me.

"Hadn't you better be getting ready?" asked Johnny quietly. I grinned at him.

"You're right, I should. Hey, Dad, is the suit in the other room?" I asked, he nodded in reply, and stood up to follow me out. We walked through the door the held Katie behind it. I heard laughing and I was so pleased that they were all getting along. We continued down the corridor to a back room. I got the suit out of the wardrobe and turned around to see Dad staring at me. I put the suit down and looked at him quizzically.

"You know you're my first child to get married" he mumbled, staring down at the floor. "It makes me feel old".

"You'll never be old, Dad" I said, smiling. He looked up and grinned, looking like his normal cheery self again.

"That's true, come out when you're dressed" he said, walking out and closing the door behind him. I listened to his footsteps walk off and the slowly took my clothes off. I piled them into one of the corners and turned to look at my suit. It was impressive to say the least and I know how perfectly it would go with Katie's dress. I did, after all choose them both. I felt bad about having seen the dress before the wedding but I hadn't had much choice, due to the circumstances. I smiled as I thought about Katie, how gorgeous she was going to look in the dress. He dark hair flowing round her face. I shivered and pulled on my trousers. I turned to look in the full length mirror as I slid my shirt on and buttoned it up. My stomach was tying itself in knots, and I couldn't wait to see Katie. I pulled on my jacket and slowly did the deep purple tie up. I looked smart. I ran a hand through my hair, making sure it was still okay, and then walked out of the room. My Dad instantly grabbed my arm and pulled me into the kitchen. There was no one there, which surprised me. He spun me round.

"You look great" he said, with a grin before grabbing my arm again and pulling me out of the door and onto the sand.

"Dad?" I asked, while trying to keep up with his ridiculous pace.

"Katie's walking down the aisle in 5 minutes" he said, rushing towards the place he had set up.

"Shit" I whispered under my breath and started to run along side him. Soon, I was stood at the end near the vicar. He smiled, knowingly at me. I nodded back, and then turned to look what was around me. A big white wooden arch was over me and the vicar, and was covered in fairy lights, and white roses. All the chairs were white too, apart from the cushions on them, which were dark purple which I couldn't help notice matched my tie perfectly. There were fairy lights along the floor in the middle of the chairs, marking the edges of the aisle. People had filled the seats and were chattering quietly among themselves. Johnny caught my eye and grinned at me encouragingly and I couldn't help grin back. Roger had chosen well there, Johnny would be good for him. Finally my eyes travelled up the aisle and I had to stifle a gasp. Katie was stood at the end of it, and she looked... Amazing. No, amazing didn't even describe it, she couldn't be described in words. She looked up at me and her blue eyes were shining.

Katie's POV

Lucy and Brenda had spent all day working on me and when I had looked in the mirror I hadn't believed it was me. I looked, well, amazing. My hair was back in a bun, but with loose curls hanging around my face. I had a little eye make up on to exaggerate my eyes, and in general I just looked good. Now I was stood at the end of the aisle, in the middle of the beach. The sun was just setting and it made the fairy lights, twinkle magically. It looked beautiful. I looked up at Peter, my eyes shining. He looked stunning. I heard music vaguely start up and I knew that was my que. I slowly walked down the aisle, keeping my eyes locked with Peter's all the way. I was so lucky to have him waiting at the end of the aisle for me.

Finally I reached the end and the music stopped. I turned and looked to Peter. He was smiling and I could see a tear leak down his cheek. The vicar began to talk, until finally we got to the most important part.

"Peter, do you take Katie to be you lawfully wedded wife?" he asked.

"I do" said Peter, his voice sure and strong. Tears ran down my face.

"Katie, do you take Peter, to be your lawfully wedded husband?" he asked.

"I do" I whispered. Peter smiled at me, and I thanked whoever was watching over me for giving him to me.

"You may now kiss the bride" the vicar said. Peter walked towards me and spun me round before kissing me passionately. I felt a little self conscious, and I felt myself blushing but everyone just laughed. Peter was laughing too when he pulled away. I grinned at him through my tears. He was all mine now. Forever.

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