My Savior and My Teacher - Chapter 4

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"Katie, honey, time to get up" I heard Peter's voice say. I groaned, I didn't want to get up. I was so comfy in the soft warm bed.

"5 more minutes" I said as I rolled over, away from him. I heard him laugh.

"Nope" he said, popping the 'p' and with that he pulled off the covers. My eyes snapped open and focused on him. He was stood at the side of my bed, cover in his hand, smirking. I let out a growl but he just burst out laughing.

"Feisty" he said with a wink. I rolled my eyes at him and went to get out of bed but as soon as I was stood up he grabbed my waist and pulled me close. As soon as my mouth was on his memories of yesterday came flooding back. I couldn't help smiling. He pulled away from me, also smiling.

"Dressed, then come down for breakfast, 'Kay?" he said, sexily. I nodded and watched him longingly as he walked out of the door. A week ago, if someone had told me that they had fallen in love in the space of three days I wouldn't have believed them, but now it had happened to me. I carefully took Peter's baggy shirt off and dragged on the dull green uniform. I didn't like it much but I had little choice.

Once I was done I ran down the stairs, jumping the last few, and made my way into the kitchen. Peter and Jacob were already sat up at the table.

"Kaaaatie!" Jacob called when he saw me. I smiled at him, and patted his head on the way round the table. Just as I sat down Lucy put a plate of waffles in front of me.

"Oh, I love waffles, thanks" I said, grinning up at her. She smiled back at me and then walked out of the room. I gave Peter a questioning look.

"I don't think she got much sleep last night" he said, giving me a reassuring smile.

Finally, at around half 7, me and Peter left the house for my first day at school. As I got in the car I realised I was terrified. Peter seemed to notice, and as soon as we were no longer in view on the house he put his hand on my knee.

"Don't worry, you'll be fine, and I'll be there whenever you need me" he said. I closed my eyes and just nodded. The school was only just down the road so it only took us five minutes to get there. Once we had parked Peter got out and walked round to my door and opened it for me. Almost as if I was on automatic, I swung my legs out and stood up. I stood at the gates to the large intimidating red brick building, my knees shaking. Peter locked the car and came and stood behind me. He pulled my arm round so that I was looking at him.

"Katie, you're beautiful, funny, smart, and everything anyone could dream of. Of course you're going to meet people that you don't like but there will be a million people who want to be your friends. Trust me" he said, reassuringly. Those words made me feel a trillion times better. I nodded bravely and we walked in. Just as we were about to part he moved his mouth close to my ear.

"And don't forget I love you" he whispered and with that he was gone. I sighed, wishing he could stay with me, and just as I turned around to walk to my home room something hit me and I went flying. Sprawling on the floor I heard someone running to me.

"OHMIGOSH!" yelled a boy's voice. He pulled me up so that I was sitting.

"Are you okay? Oh god, oh god. I just didn't see you..." he said, panicking. I just laughed.

"I'm perfectly fine, don't worry about it" I said with a smile. He let out a sigh and grinned at me. He gave me a hand and pulled me up, then bent down to collect the books I had been holding.

"I'm Darius" he said with a very feminine smile as he gave me back my books.

"Katie" I said "Nice to meet you." As soon as I had said my name he squealed and clapped his hands together.

"You're the new girl!" he said, with such delight I couldn't help being caught up in it. I nodded grinning.

"You just HAVE to come meet the guys!" he exclaimed, dragging me by the hand into the home room and towards a group of 3 people.

"Guys, hey, look!" he yelped at them. They all looked up and I saw recognition in their eyes.

"Right" Darius said "introductions."

"Hey, I'm Megan" said a small girl with long golden curls. I smiled at her and shook her hand.

"Georgina, but please call me Georgie" said another girl, this time with jet black hair, cut pixie style and massive grey eyes. Finally I turned to the other person there.

"Tim" said a reasonably handsome boy. I looked up at him and noticed he was staring straight at me. I tried to look away but my eyes didn't seem to want to. As I looked at him, I noticed he was reasonably good looking. He had slightly long brown hair that hung over his eyes slightly and nice bluey grey eyes. I was almost hypnotized when Darius shook me out of it.

"And this is Katie" he said to the three. I heard a chorus of 'heys' . I sat down just as the teacher walked in. She gave us all a condescending look and then took the register.

"The Cow" Megan leant over and explained to me in a whisper. I nodded, settled into the chair and felt completely at home. Mrs Jenkins walked over to me and dropped a schedule on my desk and walked off.

"I see what you mean" I said with a giggle.

"What have you got first?" asked Georgie. I looked at the timetable.

"Biology with a Mr. Jackson" I said. I heard a gasp and looked up at Darius.

"I can't believe it. I've wanted to have him for ever! He's a fantastic teacher, and he's delicious" he said with a wink, which confirmed my suspicions about him. "I am so jealous of you, girl" he finished off. I let out a giggle because I had my suspicions about who the Mr. Jackson might be. It was then that the bell went and we all left. It turned out that Megan was in Biology with me, so we left, saying goodbye to the others. Though Tim seemed reluctant and I felt his eyes on my back as I walked away.

Me and Megan were laughing as we walked down the corridor to his classroom. There he was, Peter, stood at the door way. I felt my world lift up and I grinned at him. I was just about to go in when I heard something I really didn't want to hear.

"Katie?" called an all too familiar voice. My stomach dropped. Why did he have to be here? Why couldn't he leave me alone?

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