My Savior and My Teacher - Chapter 25

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Okay so this is like almost the last one. I think I'll do one more maybe to wrap things up and that's it really, comment if you think I should do a spin off and if I do who it should be of? Any ideas would be great :D thanks all x

6 Months Later...

Katie's POV

I sighed as I sat myself down in the soft chair near the fire in our cottage. My back was killing me as I was now nine months pregnant. My due date had been yesterday so I was expecting it to come out soon. We didn't know the gender because we wanted to find out when it was born, hence why the baby is called 'it'. I put my hand on my now quite large stomach. I wanted a boy so much, to have my own little Jacob.

Just as I was thinking this Peter walked through the corridor that led to the bedrooms. He was wearing an old pair of jeans and he didn't have a top on. He was also covered in light blue paint. I laughed at him. He was grinning like crazy.

"I've finished it" he said, holding out his painty hand to pull me up with. I grabbed it and ignored the ache in my back as we walked down the corridor and into the spare room. I gasped. It was beautiful, I never knew how artistic Peter was. The whole room was a pale blue but the ceiling was covered in clouds and birds and stars and shooting stars. It was amazing. I turned and hugged him as best as I could with my stomach.

"It's amazing" I breathed and he grinned down at me.

"I hoped you'd like it" he said, putting his arm over my shoulder. I rested my head on him, admiring it when I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. I gasped.

"Shit" I heard Peter say as he was staring in between my legs. I groaned, knowing that my water had broken. He looked back up to my face, looking confident and strong. A lot better than I was feeling now; I was terrified. He seemed to understand.

"It's going to be fine" he said and with that, he picked my up gently and carried me to the car. I had no idea how he had done it because i must've weighed a lot more than before. I did have a memory of the first time I'd met him and how he's carried me away from my Mum's killer. I smiled up at him as he gently put me in the passenger seat of his car. He strapped me in and ran round to the other side of the car. The car pulled out of the drive and he started to drive like a maniac. I tried to concentrate on which roads we were taking and what I could see out of the window but nothing was distracting me from the panic inside me. I was so scared. How much was it going to hurt? I'd just try to not think about it. Besides, Peter wasn't going to leave me through all of this. I knew that.

We pulled into the hospital and part of me wanted to close my eyes and run away from all of this but I knew I couldn't. I was going to have this baby no matter what. Peter helped me out of the car.

"Do you want me to carry you?" he asked, urgently. I shook my head. I didn't want to make too much of a scene. He nodded in understand and took my hand instead. I walked slowly and awkwardly towards the doors. Once we were in a nurse hurried over to us.

"Water broken?" she asked and I nodded. She looked around quickly then signalled us to follow her. She led us into a room with three beds, one of which had a pregnant woman in it. She smiled at me as Peter helped me into the other bed. Thankfully, to avoid talking to the woman Peter pulled the curtain across so I couldn't see anyone else apart from him and the nurse.

"Right, I'll be back in a second to check on how much you've dilated" she said as she walked out of the room. It was silent for a second but then Peter pulled up a chair next to my bed and held my hand.

"I'm scared" I whispered.

"Me too" he said with a grin "but it's all going to be okay, I'm not going anywhere" he said, more softly. I nodded.

"I know" I whispered and squeezed his hand in a silent thank you. The nurse walked in with a few bits.

"If you could open you're legs for me, Mrs. Jackson" she said, in almost a robotic way. I nodded and did as I was told. She prodded a little then stepped back.

"You're 6cm dilated already, so it shouldn't be long now, you should be a quick one" she said, as she left the room again. I sighed and relaxed slightly. At least I knew I wasn't going to be one of those people that are in labour for hours and hours. Peter started to talk to me about anything and everything but the baby. Not because we weren't excited or happy about it, but just because I think we were both to scared and panicky. Occasionally I would get pains again and I grip Peter's hand in a death grip as the contractions passed but he didn't seem to mind. An hour later the nurse came back in. We did the same thing as last time. When she looked up she smiled.

"You're ready to go to the delivery room" she said. My breath caught and I looked at Peter. He looked as scared as I felt. I nodded to the nurse and she wheeled my bed through the corridors. Peter never once let go of my hand. We reached a private room with about 2 nurses or doctors in it.

What happened next was really a bit hazy. They gave me some drugs and although I knew that Peter was right next to my ear whispering encouragement all the way through all I could really hear was someone occasionally scream "PUSH." I did as I was told but my God it hurt. Finally though, through the mist in my brain I heard the nurse.

"Right last push" she said and I practically whooped in relief. The last push. I nodded and pushed as hard as I could and then suddenly the pain died down. I collapsed on the bed, absolutely tired but I opened my eyes, grateful that the drugs were wearing off so that everything was much clearer. One nurse took the baby away and I looked up at Peter. He smiled at me and kissed me even though I must've been all sweaty and horrible. The nurse holding my baby returned.

"Congratulations, it's a boy" she said smiling and giving him to me. I was so happy I could feel the tears running down my face. I held him gently in my arms and Peter put his hand down to him. My little boy curled his tiny hand around Peter's finger and I could see the tears run down his face.

"What shall we called him?" I asked quietly.

"What about Tyler?" he asked and I smiled. Yes, that was it.

"Tyler" I said in agreement as we looked down at our little Tyler Jackson.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2010 ⏰

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