My Savior and My Teacher - Chapter 11

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I answered my phone and put it to my ear.

"How's Lucy?" I asked, worried. I had no idea how far she would go, or whether she would've listened to her brother. I heard Peter sigh on the other end.

"She's agreed not to say anything to anyone but she wants us both out. She wants Jacob back too, as soon as possible" he said, his voice sounding sad. I let the guilt was over me, knowing that I was the reason that Peter now wasn't going to see his sister, and I could tell how much he loved her.

"Of course" I whispered, biting my lip.

"Don't worry, Katie, I'll sort something out for tonight. Just bring Jacob back" he said, his voice sounding comforting.

"Okay, I'll start walking now, see you in a sec" I said. He just hung up. I sighed and looked up at Tim. I opened my mouth to start talking but he put his finger on my lips.

"You have to go, I understand" he said quietly as he smiled down at me. I sighed and wondered why on earth he put up with me. I smiled at him to say a silent thankyou, he gave my hand one last squeeze before I walked over and picked up Jacob.

"Awww, are we going?" he asked, sadly. I nodded. He just sighed and let me pick him up. I marvelled at the fact that Jacob never seemed to whine or moan. He was just perfect. I held him in my arms and he wrapped his little arms around my neck and snuggled into me. I held him tight as I walked rhythmically, realising this would probably be the last time I would ever get to hold him again, let alone see him.

The walk only lasted around 5 minutes but it was a nice peaceful one. It was as if Jacob knew it was our last. When we got home Lucy was stood at the door; her expression unreadable. She held her arms out for Jacob. I kissed him on the top of the head and then gave him over. She looked at me with unemotional eyes. I looked down at my feet and she walked back inside. I was just about to follow her in but Peter walked out the door carrying several bags. He shut the door behind him. I smiled at him weakly. He walked past me and put the bags in the boot of his car. He closed the boot and turned to me. He motioned with his head to get in the car. I nodded and hurried to the car. When we both were sat in the car and started to drive. He didn't say a word to me. I squirmed uncomfortably in my seat and watched him, his fists clenching around the steering wheel.

We drove for a good half an hour until he finally pulled up at the side of the road. I looked outside the window but couldn't see much as it was now raining quite heavily. I looked back over to Peter to see him close his eyes and rest his head against the back of the chair. His hands were still on the steering wheel and I carefully put my hand on his strong arm. His eyes flickered open and he turned to look at me. His face broke into a smile and I smiled back at him in relief that he wasn't angry at me.

"Thank God I have you" he whispered to me as his hand cupped my face. He leant over and his lips touched mine lightly. When he pulled away I smiled at him. I couldn't believe I ever thought I needed to choose. I knew who I needed to be with. I ran my fingers through his hair.

"It's you and me against the world now" he whispered to me. I nodded. I leant over to kiss him again but a pan shot through me just below my stomach.

"Aargh" I cried as I pulled back and was forced to lean over.

"What's wrong?" Peter asked, sounding really worried. I shook my head unable to speak. The pain stayed there for a minute or so and then it was gone as quickly as it had come. I sat up and took a deep breath. Peter held my hand as I recovered. I looked over to see him deep in thought. He turned to me, something in his eyes I couldn't identify.

"Are you on the pill?" he asked. Shocked, I shook my head, unaware of what that had to do with anything. He bit his lip and looked out the window. He then turned and dropped some keys into my hand.

"Just down that path is a cottage, go inside, turn the heating on, I just need to pick something up, I'll be back in five minutes" he said. I nodded immediately. I stepped out of the warm of the car and into the rain to do as I was told. The car pulled away and I hurried to the cottage. As soon as I was inside I instantly turned the nearest radiator on and hurried into the first room. It was a warm spacious living room, with stone flagged floors and a beautiful fireplace. I couldn't believe how picture perfect this place was. I had just lit the fire when I heard the front door open.

"Hey" I yelled out. I heard a mumbled reply. I sat and watched the flames dance until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to see Peter. I smiled at him. He held out something in front of him. I looked at it and then looked back up at him in shock. He was holding out a home pregnancy test. He looked down at me, his expression saying sorry.

"Just to check" he said. I nodded, I supposed it did make sense as we hadn't used protection. I took it from him and made my way into the hall. I looked into two of the rooms before I found the toilet. Once I had taken the test I left it on the side for a minute while I looked at myself in the mirror. Even though Peter just wanted to check I couldn't help little buds of hope sprout inside my mind. I had wanted a little baby boy forever, even though I'm only 16. My hand touched my flat stomach and I looked down at the test.

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