My Savior and My Teacher - Chapter 24

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Katie's POV

The sound of soft music drifted to me ears and Peter walked over to where I was sitting. I smiled up at him, still shocked by how he was all mine now. He held my hand and kissed it gently, that familiar twinkle in his eye. I laughed freely and he grinned at me.

"Come on" he said, softly as he pulled me up onto my feet. I stumbled slightly but he caught me in his strong arms. He laughed sexily and pulled me up again.

"Let's dance" he whispered in my ear. I laughed.

"Is that really something you want to do with this accident prone mess?" I asked, winking at him.

"Hey, I married that accident prone mess" he laughed as we walked to the part of the beach that had been made into a sort of dance area.

"You don't need to remind me" I whispered into his ear as his arms snaked around my waist. My arms made their way up around his neck and my fingers played with the hair at the nape of his neck. He breathed in deeply and started to move his feet. I moved my feet with his and soon we were spinning. I hadn't realised Peter was such a good dancer, even on sand. I looked up at him and he was smiling. He then looked up at the person doing the music. He caught his eye and made a hand gesture. The DJ nodded. I looked at Peter quizzically and he winked. I wondered what was going on until I heard the song that had just been put on. 'Fast Car' by Tracy Chapman came on. I gasped. How did he know that this song was my all time favourite? He looked down at me, his eyes shining. I crushed my lips to his in the hope that he knew how grateful I was. He chucked into my lips.

"I love you" I whispered.

"Love you more" he grinned as we started to slow dance. It was amazing. It was like we were the only people there. The sun was setting and everything was basked in a red glow that made it look incredible. I couldn't tear my eyes away from his, and he didn't move his gaze away from mine, not once. I was torn out my little world by a cough. I shook myself and turned to look at Harold, Peter's dad smiling at me.

"Can I cut in?" he asked, looking sheepish. Peter gave me a small smile before letting me go. I missed him already but I turned to Harold. He smiled slightly.

"It's traditional for the bride to dance with her father, but seeing as well...I was wondering if I'd do..." he said. I smiled, knowing what he was thinking. I had no Dad to dance with on this day.

"I'd be honoured to have you as my Dad" I whispered to him, meaning every word. He smiled an ages and wise smile, kindness in his eyes. He took my hands and we danced to the music, not saying anything, just happy with each other's company. I was grateful I know had a dad. I really was. Soon the song ended and Peter was back at my side. He smiled at me and held my hand gently. He pulled me down to the sea's edge where the cool water lapped at our feet. The sun had set now and the stars were out shining down on us. The sea was a deep navy but it sparkled under the light. I snuggled into the warmth of Peter.

"This was the best day of my life" I whispered to him.

"It was mine too" he said back, laying me down on the sand and kissing me gently. I kissed him back and then I froze.

"Isn't everyone still here?" I said, sitting up and looking around, but seeing no one.

"No, I told them all to go to the hotel about a mile away" he whispered into my neck as he kissed it.

"But why?" I asked, confused.

"Well, it's our wedding night, and I couldn't wait" he whispered, his hand slipping down my waist and onto my thigh. I finally clicked. Our wedding night. And I know what happens on a wedding night. I grinned at him and the pushed my lips to his once more. This was going to be the best night of my life, to end the best day of my life.

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