My Savior and My Teacher - Chapter 10

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I woke up in the arms of Peter. I blinked and looked up at him. He was awake and looking down at me with the most gorgeous smile imaginable.

"Hey" I said, as I moved my head upwards to kiss him.

"Good morning, Mrs Jackson" he said, his voice sounding so happy. I smiled at the sound of my new name-to-be. I still couldn't really believe I had a fiancée. I leant up to kiss him again when the door swung open. Lucy walked in and then stopped, a mask of shock on her face. Terrified I jumped out of my bed and stood as far away as the walls of my bedroom would allow. Her eyes followed me, filled with disgust. They then turned on her brother, who was still in my bed, mouth open and top off.

"What?" she choked out.

"It's not what you think" said Peter, desperately trying to find a way out of this. I nodded in agreement but was too scared to say anything.

"You sick man" she spat out at him. His face filled with hurt, and I wanted to go and help but I just couldn't. She then turned to me, her face murderous.

"And you! You can get out of my house for what you did to my brother!" she snarled at me. I was shocked but nodded and instantly grabbed one of Peter's jumpers and legged it out the house. I only realised how stupid that was when I was outside in the cold. Even though it was summer, the clouds were covering the sky and droplets of rain were beginning to fall. I could hear yelling coming from the house, and then crying. I saw Jacob sat at the window, tears running down his face. What I did then I knew wasn't sensible but I hated seeing him hurt. I quietly snuck back into the house and grabbed Jacob and took him outside with me.

"Katie" he said with a smile through his tears.

"Hello" I said quietly. I swung him round so that he was on my back and then I started back towards the door. I took a pen out of the pocket of the jumper and scribbled on an envelope saying that I had Jacob just so that Lucy wouldn't call the police saying that I had kidnapped him and then I started to walk.

"Where are we going?" asked Jacob, sounding a lot happier now he was out.

"How about the park?" I asked him and he squealed.

When we got there I let him run to the slide and went and sat down on a bench. I was so tired, not because I didn't have enough sleep but just tired of everything. The past several days, since Mum had gone had been so mad. So much had happened, and all I wanted was her to hug me and tell me she understood. I missed her so much. Watching Jacob I felt the tears start to run down my face and then I just broke down in sobs. That was when I felt someone touch my shoulder. I didn't turn to see who it was, I didn't even care. The came round the bench and wrapped their arms around me. I leant against them and sobbed. We sat there for a good half an hour until I had got it all out. I looked up too see who it was. I wasn't surprised to see Tim's resigned face looking down on me.

"You okay?" he said, as he brushed the last of my tears off my face. I sighed and gave him a weak smile.

"I've been better" I said. He squeezed my hand.

"Wanna talk about it?" he asked. I realised I really did but as soon as I opened my mouth Jacob started to pull my pyjama leg.

"Can you push me on the swing, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease Katie, please?" he asked, bouncing with excitement.

"Sure" I said with a smile and he ran off to the swing. I got up slowly and Tim followed me over.

"How's your arm, by the way?" I asked. He grinned at me.

"It's got me a lot of presents" he said and I couldn't help but laugh. I realised just how easy everything was with Tim. I wondered if I was technically cheating. I wasn't really, was I? We just happened to be really close friends. Just as I was thinking this, he slid his arm around my waist. I leant into him, as I was still cold. He kissed the top of my head. I expected the guilt to grab me but it didn't. This just seemed to feel right. Just then my phone rang. I looked to see who it was and not to my surprise it was Peter. My heart dropped as I realised I was in one of those situations where at some point I was going to have to choose only one person.

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