My Savior and My Teacher - Chapter 15

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Okay, so this is one of the huge twists. Please comment so I know what people think :) x x


I woke up and breathed in deeply. I wondered, absent minded, how many amazing nights I was going to have. I grinned at the memories and sat up so that I was leaning against the cool head board behind me. I was just looking down at Peter's sleeping form when there was a knock at the door. I sighed and swung my legs out of bed. I slipped my feet into my fluffy slipper boots and went to open the door. When I did I saw Georgie stood on the door step dripping wet.

"Erm... Hi?" I said, slightly confused as to why she was here. She gave me an apologetic grin.

"Can I come in?" she said quietly.

"Sure" I said, and I held the door back for her. She smiled gratefully and hurried into the hallway. She slipped off her wet coat and shoes and walked into the living room. She curled up on the sofa.

"I don't mind you being here or anything..." I said, trying to sounds as nice as possible "but why are you here?" She looked up at me with big eyes.

"I needed to get out the house, Dad and my Uncle Mike were fighting again, I didn't want to be there and you're the closest person to my house" she explained, looking down at her feet. My heart went out to her, she looked so vulnerable but something in her eye worried me. I couldn't think what it was. I heard a noise come from the bedroom and Georgie looked up at me, questioningly.

"Is someone here?" she asked, standing up, looking hurt.

"Eeerrr..." I said, not knowing how to get out of this one. "Just stay here a sec." I ran into the bedroom to see Peter sliding on one of his shirts on. He smiled when he saw me, he walked over and kissed my cheek.

"Morning" he said, reaching up to get some trousers.

"Peter" I snapped at him and he looked at me in alarm. "Georgie's here." His mouth dropped open and then his eyes moved past me.

"I can see that" he said, his voice terrified. I spun round to see her, open mouthed.

"It's not what it looks like" I said, desperately. She laughed without humour.

"Katie, a word" she said coldly. Her face was a picture of disgust but still her eyes had something in then that scared me. I followed her into the living room with one last look at Peter's worried face. I shut the door behind me and turned to face her. She was smirking at me.

"Why are you smirking?" I said, confused at what was going on.

"Well, I can now get what I've wanted for a while" she said shrugging as she made her way around the couch towards me. I stood very still and watched her walk. I didn't know why but I was really scared.

"Please, don't tell anyone about me and him" I said, my voice no more than a whisper. She stopped walking about a meter away from me and looked me straight in the eye.

"Oh I won't..." she said, and I sighed in relief. "If you do what I want you to." My mouth dropped open. Admittedly, I had never got to know Georgie as well as the other guys but I had always considered her a friend. A sane friend, but now I wasn't sure. I closed my eyes as I realised I would have to do what she wanted me to do otherwise I would probably never see Peter again.

"What do I have to do?" I asked, looking down at my feet. I felt her hand trace it's way up my arm to my shoulder and I looked up at her with scared eyes. Her eyes were crazy with what looked like lust. I felt slightly sick as her hand moved over my shoulder and it ran down my front to my waist. She pulled me closer to her and her mouth started to gently kiss the base of my neck. I was so horrified I couldn't move, and even if I wasn't I couldn't have moved anyway because then she would tell people about Peter. I stood still with my eyes closed, shaking, hoping what she was doing would end soon. Her mouth made her way to mine and her tongue snaked into mine. I kissed her back as little as I could get away with, desperately picturing a cute guy in my head, hoping it would work. I had nothing against lesbians, I really didn't. I just wasn't one of them. Finally her mouth was off mine and she was stood looking at me, her eyes gleaming with pride. I resisted the strong urge to gag and looked her straight in the eye.

"Did you like that?" she asked, in a sickly tone as she started to play with my hair. I didn't know what to say so I stood there silently. Her face distorted in anger and suddenly I felt a sharp pain across my cheek. I saw her hand move away and I looked up at her in fear. Who was this person I thought I knew?

"Did you like that?" she said, emphasising every word. I nodded desperately trying to make sure she didn't hit me again. She smiled.

"Good" she whispered. "Now, meet me in the girls loo's at break today, I have other things I want to do to you." And with that she walked straight out of the house. Still shocked I stood completely frozen. What on earth had just happened? I choked back the tears as Peter walked in. He saw me and wrapped his arms around me. I knew if I told him what I was doing to keep our secret he would tell me that he didn't care if people found out. But I wouldn't be able to live with myself if he got sent to jail because of me.

"What happened?" he asked. I sucked in a deep breath.

"Nothing really, she just called me a slut and left, I'm just being silly" I whispered so that he couldn't hear my voice waver. He sighed and hugged me closer. How was I going to do this?

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