My Savior and My Teacher - Chapter 17

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I felt numb as the ambulance pulled into the hospital. My eyes were transfixed on Peter's too still form. I could hear yelling around me, and the doors of the ambulance opening but I didn't remove my eyes. I wasn't going to let him go anywhere without me. He had to make it through this. The trolley that he was on was pulled out and I followed. People were talking to me, but their voices all blended into each other so I just ignored them. I wanted to hold Peter's hand but I couldn't because we were in public. I followed them into a big room, similar to the one I had been in when that creep had attacked us. I shivered at the thought. I pushed through the swinging double doors and watched as lots of people in turquoise scrubs blocked Peter from sight. A friendly looking woman came over to me. She placed her hand on my arm.

"Come on, sweetie" she said, smiling. She tugged me out of the room even though I tried to resist. She led me to a cafeteria and gave me a cup of something.

"So, how do you know Mr. Jackson" she said. My heart skipped a beat. I didn't know how to answer the question so I decided not to stray to far from the truth.

"Well, he's my guardian. My mum died a couple of months ago. We're really good friends" I said, feeling my eyes swell up. Everything I had just said was true and I realised that if Peter was gone I would have no one. No family. Nada. The nurse smiled sympathetically.

"We'll take care of him" she said, as if she could read my thoughts. I smiled gratefully, though it took a lot of work and she walked away. I slumped back into the chair, memories of me and my mum drifting back to me. My throat closed up and then I couldn't hold the tears back anymore. I sobbed alone in the cafeteria for what felt like hours and then drifted off into an uneasy and uncomfortable sleep. I was woken up by someone shaking me frantically. I opened my eyes slightly and bright light pierced them. I groaned and shifted uncomfortably on the chair.

"Wake up" said a young man.

"I want to sleeeeep" I said, groggily, and I felt drugged. I heard laughter.

"Peter's awake and asking for you" he said, quietly. My eyes flew open. Peter. Of course. I leapt up out of my seat, fell over in my rush. The young doctor pulled me up kindly and then I ran to the ward he was in. I flung back the curtains to see Peter smiling at me. I flung myself at him, wrapping my arms around his neck, not caring where we were. I loved him, and I wanted him to know it. He chuckled but pushed me away slightly.

"I'm still wounded" he said, with a wink.

"Sorry" I whispered, wondering how I couldn't have realised. He shifted over so I could sit on the bed and took my hand in his.

"So, what did you tell them?" he asked, his face worried.

"I said that you were my guardian, which is true, and that we were good friends" I said, hoping I had said the right thing. He nodded seriously.

"That was good, not going to far from the truth" he said, smiling weakly.

"You're going to be okay" I said. He nodded and looked away. I was tracing patterns on the back of his hand when a thought hit me.

"Do you remember who did this?" I said, quietly. He looked back at me, his eyes guarded.

"Why?" he said, carefully. I sighed. I hadn't though this through. I was probably going to have to explain about Georgie and Mr. Matthews.

"Please" I said, hoping that it might work. Miraculously, it did. His shoulders slumped and he closed his eyes.

"I remember a man, rather tall. Reasonably good looking. He was wearing a pale purple shirt, I know that much" he said, roughly. My stomach dropped when I realised that I was right. This did have something to do with Georgie and Mr. Matthews. Rage rose up in me.

"I have to go, but I'll be back in a bit" I said, standing up. He pulled my hand.

"Please don't go" he said, weakly. I didn't want to go, I really didn't but I had to do something. I leant forward and kissed him gently.

"I won't be long, if I'm not back by three, send out a search party" I said smiling. He sighed reluctantly but let go of my hand. I ran out of the hospital and onto the road. It was about a 30 minute walk from here to school and we had been in that hospital for just under a day which meant every one should still be in school. I set off on my journey when a car pulled up next to me. I bent down to see who it was when I saw Mr. Matthews grinning.

"What's a girl doing out here on a Saturday?" he asked. Ah, it was a Saturday. My plan wouldn't have worked anyway. I shrugged.

"So, need a lift babe?" he asked, grinning that sick grin. Although I wanted to kill him my anger had been replaced by fear. There was no one around to hear me scream, and it wasn't like I didn't know what he was capable of. I shook my head and started to walk quickly but I felt a hand grab the back of my collar. My hands flailed aimlessly but I was dragged into the car.

"There's a good girl" he said.

"Mr. Matthews, let me go" I said, trying to sound calm. He chuckled.

"Oh, babe, call me Rick" he said as he leant over to kiss me. I tried to pull away but his strong hands had me stuck. He chuckled darkly.

"Oh, we are going to have fun" he said as drove the car down the road.

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