My Savior and My Teacher - Chapter 20

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Katie's POV

I woke up for the second time since the incident. I shuddered as the memories instantly flooded back. I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to push the memories of Rick out of my head. I felt a hand squeeze mine and my eyes shot open. I looked over at Peter, smiling at me.

"Hey" I whispered, content knowing that he was still here. He smiled back at me, bigger than before.

"The doctor's said you can be let out today, if you feel ready?" he said, but it sounded like a question. I looked around and I had to admit that I wanted to get out of here. This place was so white, and clean. It almost felt like they had tried too hard to wash away the memories of death. I shuddered and turned my attention back to Peter.

"As ready as I'll ever be" I said, grinning at him. He laughed. I looked him over and saw he had bandages around his wrists and ankles where he had been tied up. I felt stabs of guilt for not getting to him faster but I knew it wasn't really my fault. I couldn't have known that anyone would do this to him. He put his hand under my chin and lifted my gaze back up to his. His face moved closer to mine and he kissed my bruised lips as if they were normal. I felt tingles where he touched me but then I pulled back, shocked.

"What about the police?" I said, aghast that I had allowed him to do it in public. If the police took him away I wouldn't have anyone, and I don't think I could cope without him. I loved him too much. I looked back at Peter but he was smiling at me. I looked at him questioningly.

"I took you out of the school, so, as you're 16, they cannot do anything about this. You're legal, and I'm not technically your teacher anymore" he said, with a clever smile. I laughed out loud at the truth of his words. He leant to kiss me again and this time I welcomed him with every inch of my body. I caressed his lips as if this would be the last time we would ever kiss, not that it would. This time he was the one to pull back.

"You'll have to save something for our trip" he said, with a wink. I gasped as I realised what he was talking about. Although my memories from when I first woke up were hazy I remember him telling me we were going away as clear as crystal.

"Where are we going?" I asked, eagerly. He just chuckled, sexily.

"Get dressed and you'll soon see" he said, smiling. I sighed, but just pulled him closer by his collar and kissed him again. God I loved this man. He pulled away laughing and left so I could get changed.

As soon as I was on my own I leapt out of bed. I pulled of the itchy blue robe things I was wearing and pulled on the clothes Peter had brought from the house for me. A pair of shorts, a nice vest top, a pair of blue converse and a big hoodie, which I assumed was to cover up all the bruises. I smiled at how thoughtful he was. I pulled the clothes on, almost getting it wrong I was in such a hurry. I then legged it out into the corridor. Peter was leaning against a wall, an expectant expression on his face.

"Hello gorgeous" he said, as he pulled me close to him. I giggled and he slung an arm over my shoulder. I moved closer to him, liking how safe I felt. He slung a bag over his other shoulder and we started to walk. I noticed lot of disgusted looks but I didn't care. I just smiled sweetly at the all as they watched, shocked as we walked out of the hospital. Peter then removed his arm and took my hand instead; always making sure we were making contact someway or another. He then pulled me towards a waiting black taxi. We slid into the backseat. He leant forward to talk to the driver. I strained to hear what he was saying but he said it so quietly. He then sat back and I curled back into him.

"Why can't you tell me where we're going?" I asked, dying to know now. He laughed again. I growled at him.

"If I told you it would ruin the surprise, wouldn't it?" he asked. I was just about to argue back, to say why I should know but he shut me up by kissing me again. This time it wasn't quick and full of passion it was just gentle. Gentle and loving. I melted into him. He put his hand on my stomach, which now had a slight bump to it, and rubbed it gently. I pulled away from the kiss and looked down at my baby bump.

"Our little Jesse" he said, smiling. I grinned; I liked that name a lot.

"And what if it's a girl?" I asked.

"I was thinking maybe Lucy?" he said, tentatively. I smiled at him, and kissed him gently. I understood perfectly why he wanted the baby to be named after his sister. I nodded and he grinned at me.

It wasn't long before the taxi pulled up outside an airport. I got out and looked around. I instinctively walked towards the main entrance but Peter took my hand again.

"Not this time" he whispered into my ear. I looked at him curiously. I desperately wanted to know what he was up to. He simply smiled and pulled me round the back, onto the runway and towards what looked like one of those water plane things. It had wheels coming out of the bottom of the big floats underneath it. Again I looked at him for answers but all I got was a sexy wink.

We clambered aboard the plane. It was small but not too cramped in the back. The pilot gave us a little salute as we got in, and we instantly took off. I shivered as I saw the ground disappearing underneath us. I didn't really like flying but as soon as Peter slid his arm around my waist I instantly felt safe again. I rested my head against his shoulder and it wasn't long before I drifted off to a dreamless sleep.

I was woken by Peter shaking my shoulders.

"It's time" he said, softly. I opened my eyes, eager to get a view of our special early-honeymoon destination. I stood up and stretched, stiff from sitting in the same place for what must've been hours. Peter walked down the steps first and waited for me at the bottom. Slowly I descended the stairs and looked out at the most amazing place I had ever seen. I stood there with my mouth open for a while before turning and crushing my lips to Peter's.

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