My Savior and My Teacher - Chapter 18

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"No we are not, you are going to let me out" I said, still trying to sound calm but even I could hear the panic in my voice. He chuckled and his free hand slowly started to make its way up my thigh. I felt sick at his touch. I had only ever been touched like this by Peter and I wanted it to stay that way. I also was terrified for the baby. I know I was too young to have a baby but as soon as I knew that it was inside of me I loved it. I loved it so much. I couldn't bear to lose it. I slapped his hand as hard as I could and squeezed my legs together. He sighed an angry sigh. My heart was beating madly I was surprised that he couldn't hear it. My thoughts were scattered, I couldn't really focus properly.

We drove for about half an hour until he finally pulled over.

"Wait here" he said with a grin. He got out and locked the doors. When he was out of sight I pulled my phone out. I rang Peter. He answered.

"Where are you?" he asked, worried.

"Call the police, get them to trace this phone call and get them to find me, please?" I whispered down the phone. I saw Rick coming back through the hedge so even though I could hear Peter's worried calls I shut my phone and slid it discreetly into my pocket. I just hoped the police would find me before he could do too much damage. He unlocked the car doors and came round to my side. I tried to climb over the console to get out of the drivers side but he grabbed my ankle and dragged me back. I had known that trying to escape would have failed but my instincts had taken over. He pulled me out the car and I jerked away from his grasp. He just stood there looking at me.

"You are a beauty" he said, softly. I felt sick.

"You are a disgusting pervert, y'know that?" I said, my voice shaking. He chuckled.

"No I'm not, I'm just the only one brave enough to get what I want" he said, slyly. I shook my head at him but could think of no reply. He took my hand and pulled me through the hedge. I looked around to see fields but no one to help me. I started to shake, knowing now what was going to happen.

"Lie down" he said, calmly. I shook my head in defiance as I was lost for words. I saw his hand rise up and then there was pain across my cheek. I though back to Peter, all injured, alone in that hospital ward and all my anger reared up. I screamed at him and ran. I punched, kicked, bit, pinched, scratched every inch of him I could find but he was stronger than me and he pushed me onto the floor. He leant of me and his hand reached for my top. I tried to bat his hand away but he just hit my head harder this time. I could feel the warm wetness of blood seep down my forehead. He reached again for my top and tore it off. He started to kiss my body and he stroked my breasts but I felt no pleasure, only anger and pain. I closed my eyes shut and picture me, Peter and my little baby, all a happy family. I would hold onto that image as long as I could. Hopefully it would save me. I felt Rick reach down to my trousers, again I fought him, again he hit me. I was losing strength as I lost blood. He yanked my trousers off, and then my underwear. I could feel the length of him prodding my entrance. I wanted to squeeze my legs shut, not give him entrance, but I knew that if I did it would just mean more pain. He rammed himself into me and I screamed in pain. Tears began to run down my face and my beautiful image disappeared into darkness.

The next thing I heard was sirens. My eyes opened heavily to see Rick panicking. I laughed without humour at him. He looked down at me in anger. He kicked me, hard, but I kept on laughing at him. He was going down. He started to run towards the hedge just as the police walked through. I laughed again at his expression as they handcuffed him naked. A kind looking police woman walked over to me.

"Come on, honey" she said, softly. She waved the ambulance people over and they lifted me onto the stretcher. It hurt a lot but I kept my mouth shut. I didn't care that I was in pain because I was alive. I was alive and I was going to see Peter. Nothing could make me happier right now. I pulled back that happy image as I was loaded into the ambulance, smiling.

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