1. Tyler

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This story originally had Melanie Martinez in it. I edited her out for safety purposes. Her replacement is Hayley Kiyoko. This is just a disclaimer in case you see comments about Melanie, not an invitation for your opinion or for you defend her. If you decide to defend her your comment will be deleted and you will be muted. I don't want any of my readers to feel uncomfortable.


Groaning, the boy nuzzled his head further into his pillow, putting the edges of it over his ears in an attempt to block out the voice waking him up.

His bedroom door creaked open and the little girl calling his name bounced into his room, climbing onto the bed.

"Ty, Mommy said it's time to get up!"

"Madison, get out of of my room," Tyler told his eight year old sister, sitting up and running a hand through his messy, brown hair, knowing he wasn't going to be able to fall back asleep. He watched as the smile on the girl's face faltered as she crawled off the bed and left the room, grumbling insults she most likely learned from her best friend Pete.

Tyler sighed and glanced at his clock– 7:00. He still had another hour until school started. Of course his mom would send his sister to wake him up this early, just to start his day off annoyed.

Rolling his eyes, Tyler got out of bed with a huff and began changing his clothes, discarding the old ones somewhere on his floor for his mom to deal with later.

Once he had his jacket on, he patted the pockets until he felt a familiar box. Grinning, he pulled it out and took one of the remaining cigarettes, making a mental note to buy more later.

He walked over to his window and pushed it open, instantly being greeted by a gust of late March wind. He quickly picked up his backpack and disregarded the draft, ignorantly sticking his foot out on the roof to hoist himself through the window.

He walked around the tiny puddles of water from the previous night's rainfall and took a seat at the edge, letting his feet dangle. The brunette took his lighter out of the same jacket pocket that his cigarettes were in and lit the one dangling between his lips, making sure to cup a hand around the front as not to let the flame get carried away with the breeze.

Tyler closed his eyes and let his back relax as he deeply inhaled the nicotine masked in the white paper. After a few calming seconds, he exhaled with a shaky breath.

"Hasn't your mom ever warned you that you might fall off of this roof, Joseph?" A familiar voice teased. Tyler slowly let his eyelids flutter open and his mouth rest into a lopsided smile as he peered down at the smaller girl standing in front of his house.

"Since when did I ever listen to her?" He countered, narrowing his eyes. She let out a warm laugh and shook her head.

"Are you walking with me or not? I'll leave you here," she joked. Playfully sighing, the brunette stubbed his cigarette out in a patch of water and shifted his bottom closer to the edge. "Tyler don't you dare-" the girl was cut off with a soft thud as the said boy landed from where he flawlessly hopped off the roof. He laughed when she rolled her eyes and started walking away from him.

Tyler jogged to catch up, then steadied his pace once he was side by side with her.

"You're gonna fall and snap your neck one of these days and I'm just gonna laugh."

"That's rude, Hayls," he joked, shoving her lightly.

"Exactly," she giggled. Tyler contently sighed as they walked to school together in a steady rhythm. Hayley finally broke the silence. "How're you?"

"Well, I haven't even seen my mom yet today and she's already annoyed me," He mentioned with a roll of his eyes, taking a piece of wintergreen gum out. He offered one to Hayley, but she declined, taking out a cigarette instead.

"Ty, can I ask you a question?"

"I don't care," he replied, shrugging his shoulders and popping a bubble with his gum.

"Are you ever gonna give your mom a break?" His best friend questioned, taking a drag from her freshly lit cigarette. Upon hearing this, Tyler instantly frowned.

"Hayley, you know what she did," he reminded her coldly. She just sighed in response, mumbling an insincere apology in an attempt to forget the subject.

Finally, the duo reached their school and Hayley discarded her tobacco before they walked up the stairs, bumping into a few students along the way and "forgetting" to excuse themselves. They turned down the hallways, ignoring the stares they got.

The two just headed straight to Hayley's locker, not making conversation along the way. Tyler rarely ever used his, keeping his books and assignments in his backpack. On the days he did show up to class, he didn't want to have to stop by his locker all the time, feeling it was pointless. Hayley kept her some of her art class supplies in hers and Tyler watched her get the things she needed before shutting it.

"Ty?" Hayley eventually said, grabbing the brunette's attention as they began walking away from her locker.


"Black's staring at ya again," she pointed out with a laugh. Tyler's head snapped up from where it was focused towards the tiled floor and scanned the room until he spotted Jenna Black, who was dreamily looking at him. As soon as she realized she was spotted, her cheeks turned bright red and she averted her gaze to the ground, turning back to face her locker.

Tyler and Hayley shared an amused look before Tyler winked at her and walked towards Jenna's locker. Hayley patiently waited by the wall as she watched the scene that was about to unfold, knowing she'll find humor in it.

"Hey there," he said smoothly, approaching the blonde and laying an arm around her shoulders.

"H-hi," she stuttered, hiding her face in her soft, wavy hair.

"Lovely shirt you have on." Jenna glanced down at what she was wearing– a tank top that was cut just low enough for Tyler's liking.

"Thanks," she giggled.

"You'd look even better with it off," Tyler whispered seductively in her ear. Jenna blushed even harder and looked up at Tyler who was smirking, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Mr. Trohman's classroom is empty in the mornings."

Hayley watched, fighting off a smile as Tyler led Jenna down the hall towards the music hall, knowing exactly where he was going and what he was doing in favor of attending class.

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