30. Trouble

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The next day when Josh went to Tyler's house, he was in just as good as a mood before.

That quickly changed when Josh saw him.

The dark haired boy had hit the doorbell and it had taken a little less than five minutes for Tyler to answer the door. He was scowling and he had his sunglasses on.

"What's wrong?" Josh asked.

"Nothing," Tyler said shortly, ushering him down the steps. Confused, the other complied and starting walking out to Tyler's car.

"So..." Josh tried to make conversation as they got in. "What did you do last night?"


"What kind of stuff?"

"Just stuff, Josh."

"Alright..." he sighed as Tyler pulled out of his driveway and began the short drive to school. "Why're you wearing sunglasses? It's cloudy out."

"Because I can!" Tyler snapped. "God, quit being so God damn annoying."

"Sorry," Josh apologized quietly. "I didn't know I was."

"Well now you do," he replied, getting a cigarette out and lighting it. He inhaled deeply, just blowing the smoke into the car.

"C-can you roll down the window?"

"I guess," Tyler sighed and cracked his window.

The rest of the ride was quiet. Josh was too scared to say anything. When they walked into school, they went their separate ways to go their lockers.

Shortly after Josh arrived to his, he was tapped on the shoulder, making him jump.

"Woah, sorry," Dallon apologized for startling his friend.

"No it's fine, I'm just a little anxious."

"Care to tell me why?" The taller boy questioned, falling into step beside Josh as they walked to English together.

"Brendon bought weed from my parents and what do you know I gotta give it to him later today," he told his friend, deciding to leave out the part about Tyler.


"He didn't tell you?"

"Nope," Dallon shook his head. "I mean. It's alright if he smokes it, I just wish he wouldn't hide it from me."

"Maybe he just didn't get around to it?"

"Get around to what?" Brendon asked, joining the two.

"To telling me that Josh is dealing you weed after school."

"Oops," Brendon looked guilty. "Forgot to tell you. Sorry, babe."

"It's alright," Dallon sighed. "Just don't hide it from me. Alright?"

"You got it, Boss," Brendon saluted before kissing him on the cheek. "I just wish I could get it before then," he sighed dramatically in a joking manner.

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