32. Graduation

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Tyler had told Josh to arrive at his house a little earlier so that he had time to talk to Mr. Iero before school started.

And man was he sure terrified.

"Josh, it's gonna be okay," Tyler tried soothing his boyfriend

"I can't do this, it's selfish and–"

"Do you want me to come with you?"

"Yes, please," Josh nodded.

"Alright," Tyler offered a sad smile. "Let's go."

The two walked into the office and approached Ms. Nestor. "Good morning boys, what can I do for you?" she said with a smile, as always.

"We need to speak to Mr. Iero," Tyler said.


"Um... a personal matter."

"Oh," Ms. Nestor blinked. "I can't really help you if you don't tell–"

"We need to speak to Mr. Iero," Tyler repeated.

The secretary sighed. "Alright," she picked up her phone and dialed a few numbers. "Frank? There's two boys who need to speak to you," pause. "Josh Dun and Tyler Joseph," pause. "I'll send them back," pause. "Okay," she hung up the phone. "You two can go back."

"Thank you," Josh said before following Tyler to the principal's office.

When they entered Mr. Iero had a tired look on his face. "Josh, if this is about you walking at graduation–" 

"Josh has a reason," Tyler offered for his companion.

"And what is it?"

"My parents made me," Josh told him, biting his lip anxiously.


"They told me that I'd have to help deal the weed they bought or else they'd send my brother and I back into the foster system. I can't go back in there not matter how bad the situation is now ," Josh sighed.

"Do you see this bump on his face?" Tyler pointed to the barely visible welt on his face. "His mom did that."

"Your mom hit you?" Mr. Iero asked.

"She's hit me more times than that. My dad too. They've hurt Patrick as well. That's why he called here instead of home the other day, they'd would've hurt him for 'causing trouble'," he looked down at his hands. "It's been like that since they took us in."

"Why are you just saying something now?"

"I couldn't loose my best friend," Josh wiped his eyes, but it was useless, the tears kept falling. "And he can't take it in that house anymore, neither can I. I really want to walk at graduation."

"How do I know you're not making this up?" Mr. Iero asked. "I mean I trust you but you need evidence for this kind of thing."

"He came to my house the night he got that welt," Tyler offered. "My mom helped fix him up. Dallon Weekes knows about it as well."

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