23. Superman

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As Tyler drove towards Patrick's school, Josh told him what had happened.

"Ty," skip. "It was the worst. He was in tears and he kept whimpering in pain and I couldn't do anything to help," Josh rambled. "I'm gonna kill those kids who hurt him."

"Slow down there, Superman," Tyler interrupted. "Let's not be rash."

"Rash? Tyler they pushed him down and he hit his head! He could've gotten seriously hurt."

"They're elementary school kids, they can't do a ton of damage."

"They obviously can! They're deserve some kind of punishment."

"And you're not getting yourself in trouble!" Tyler shouted. "What would your parents do? Josh, you could get into some serious trouble if you do anything back. An almost adult verses a bunch of eight and nine years olds? You'll just look like a bully."

"Well, they need a taste of their own medicine."

"And I'm sure the school is taking care of that."

Josh snorted. "Yeah, because a stern talking to and staying in the office for an afternoon of recess will really show them."


"Tyler, you didn't have to answer the phone call. You don't have to live with him and see him hurt everyday. I knew something was wrong. Oh God, this is my fault. He stopped eating as much and always looked really guilty when he did. I always noticed but I didn't say anything, oh God," Josh looked over at Tyler, tears appearing in his eyes.

"Josh..." Tyler tried. "Hey, it's not your fault. Those kids decided to did what they did, you didn't tell them to. Don't beat yourself up over it," he suddenly realized his choice of wording. "Sorry."

He pulled into the pickup lane in front of the school and Josh instantly threw open the door. Tyler quickly shut the car off and got out after him, following him up to the door. He watched his friend press the buzzer on the wall.


"Hi," Josh responded. "We're here to pick up Patrick Stump."

"You can come in," there was a clicking noise and Tyler grabbed the door handle, opening it and holding it for Josh who quickly walked inside.

As soon as they entered the office, Tyler saw Patrick. He was sitting on one of the chairs in front of the window. There was a larger than normal Band-Aid on the corner of his forehead and Tyler could see he had one on his elbow too. Holding an ice pack to his head, he leaned against the side of the chair with his eyes closed, sniffling a couple times.

"Bud?" Josh said quietly, heading towards his brother. Patrick's eyes opened and they filled with tears. "Hey, Tyler's here just like you wanted."

That warmed the brunette's heart. He didn't know why Patrick wanted Tyler to pick him up, but it was nice to feel needed.

"I'm so-"

"Patrick," Tyler walked over to him and kneeled down so that he was eye level. "Hey."


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