20. Sober

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Don't sexualize Patrick saying daddy and don't sexualize Josh saying he'll be there for Tyler. Don't sexualize anything that just shouldn't be sexualized.

A few minutes went by where Josh just held Tyler, letting him cry into his chest. He was obviously hurting.

After awhile, Tyler's cries turned into sniffles and he pulled away from his friend. "I'm sorry," he hiccuped.

"Don't be sorry," Josh smiled sadly. "You showed some emotion, which honestly I didn't think you had."

Tyler laughed as he wiped his eyes. "Shut up."

"I really am sorry about your dad," Josh said sincerely. "I can't be your dad, but I can be here for you."

"Why're you being so nice to me?" Tyler asked. "I've been a dick to you."

"Yeah, but I know that's not really you. I know you have a soft spot. You showed it when you gave me a ride home that day it was raining. You showed it when you came to Patrick's birthday party. You showed it to me just now," Josh explained. "You got hurt and it's not your fault. You just don't know how to positively heal."

"I don't want to do this anymore," Tyler shook his head. "I don't want to smoke. I don't want to sleep with girls. I don't want to drink anymore. You'd think that since my dad was hit by a drunk driver I'd despise alcohol but it's surprisingly really good conforming."

"Then I'll help you."

"What?" Tyler asked.

"I'll help you get sober and you can help me last in my foster home until my birthday. If I just stay until then I can leave and take Patrick with me."

"Deal," Tyler said instantly. "Just keep all drugs away from me."

"Of course," Josh nodded. "Step one: give me any weed you have on you."

Tyler sighed and took the bag of pot out of his jacket before giving it to Josh. Then, he pulled open the glove compartment and grabbed that bag out too. Finally, he reached into the backseat and grabbed his backpack, pulling more out from the front zipper.

"Dude," Josh laughed. "This is a lot."

"You sold most of it to me," Tyler said glumly. Josh frowned and shoved the bags into his backpack. "Step two: give me your cigarettes."

"What?" Tyler's eyes widened. "No."

"You said you want to get sober–"

"Let's take it one step at a time, okay?"

"Okay..." Josh sighed. He glanced at the time on the dashboard. "We should probably walk up and get Patrick and Madison."

Tyler took a shaky breath. "Alright."

"Do you want to stay here?"

"No, I'm good."

Josh gave him an encouraging smile before getting out of the car. He saw Tyler get out on the driver's side and beginning to follow him up to the front. They fell into a steady rhythm and Josh watched them walk in synchronization until he noticed Tyler's hand shaking out of the corner of his eye.

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