24. Perfect

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Tyler was in the driver's seat, driving, of course, and Josh and Patrick were sitting in the back seat with the younger laying his head in his older brother's lap.

"Hey, Patrick?" Tyler piped up. "You sleepin'?"

"No," he mumbled.

"Okay, good. Wait until we get to my house to sleep, my mom'll fix you up."

"I don't wanna be a burden," the youngest replied.

"You never are," Tyler replied, making Josh smile widely. "Can I tell you something?"

"I guess."

"I can guarantee you that any size is perfect. I would know with all the girls I've–"

"Tyler..." Josh warned.

"–with all the girls I've seen who are beautiful no matter their weight."

"But I'm not a girl," Josh laughed slightly at Patrick's response.

"That's not the point of this," Josh could hear the smile behind Tyler's voice. "The point is that you're beautiful, Patrick. Inside and out. You're kind, funny, and one of the strongest people I know, your brother being the other. Don't let some mean kids who're bored get to you, they just feel bad about themselves."

"But they also make me feel bad about myself," Patrick whispered back.

"And they shouldn't. Their opinion doesn't matter. Hell, mine doesn't even matter and neither does Josh's or your parents'. The only opinion that matters is your own."

"Well my opinion is that I'm just as fat as they said I am."

"Patrick," Josh piped up. "You're not fat. You're perfect to me."

"I love you."

"I love you too, Trick."


"Yeah, Patrick?" Tyler answered as he pulled into his driveway.

"I love you."

"I love you too, buddy," Tyler turned around and smiled sadly at Josh's brother. "We're gonna go inside now, okay? The only people home are my mom and Jay. Josh and I are gonna help you get situated and then we gotta go back to school, 'k?"

"Okay," Patrick nodded shakily and slowly sat up. Josh got out of the car and motioned for his little brother to just slide out his side. The three walked up and Tyler opened the door, letting them in.

When he entered the house, Josh noticed Tyler's mom sitting on the couch, but she wasn't alone. There was a man next to her looking down at a piece of paper.

"Mom?" Tyler asked, shutting the door behind him.

Kelly looked up, startled. "Tyler? Josh? Patrick? What're you guys doing here? You all should be at school."

"Patrick got pushed down at recess and hit his head. The school sent him home. Josh's parents are at work and he can't be alone. Since you're a nurse I assumed you could look after him. I sent you a text. Who's this?"

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