21. Slushie

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Yes, I am aware that Josh was born June 18th but for the purpose of this story I changed it

As Tyler was pulling away from his house, he let his fingers drum against the steering wheel. It started out casual but quickly turned anxious. "Josh?"

"Yeah, Ty?" Skip.

"Um," he sighed. "I need a cigarette. I'm sorry."

"Don't be," Josh shook his head. "Hey, Trick?"

"Yeah Joshie?" Patrick replied.

"Tyler is gonna smoke, okay?"

"Alright," he replied carelessly.

"Are you two okay with it?" Tyler asked.

"Yeah," Josh assured him. "My parents smoke around us all the time," he noticed Josh grimace as he lit his cigarette.

It was silent as Tyler drove down the road, every few seconds inhaling the nicotine and exhaling the smoke.

"Tyler?" Patrick finally spoke up from the back seat.

"Yeah bud?" Tyler answered, glancing at him through the mirror.

"Josh told me you know."

"Crap," the mentioned mumbled.

"Know what?"

"That you know about us," Patrick clarified. "That we're being fostered."

"Uh," Tyler stumbled. "Yeah. I do."

"Did he tell you anything else?"

Tyler glanced at Josh for permission as he let his cigarette fall out of the window. He nodded as if letting him answer.

"He mentioned that your parents aren't nice to you..." he said loosely.

"So you know about the hitting?"

Well, that was blunt. Tyler thought then instantly frowned when he thought of the word 'blunt'.

"Yeah... I do," he repeated.

"Are you gonna tell anyone?" Patrick asked. "Cause Josh said if anyone finds out we'll be separated and I'm sorry to Dallon but he's my best friend and I'm not losing him."

Tyler looked at Josh and they laughed. "I won't tell anyone right now. But if it gets bad then I have to let someone know."

"Joshie told me that as soon as he's eighteen he's gonna move out and take me with him," Patrick told him. "And if I remember correctly, that's–" he paused to count on his fingers. "–I don't have that many fingers–" he whispered. "–about twenty days."

"When is your birthday?" Tyler asked.

"May twenty first," Josh answered. "Okay, you're gonna want to take a right up here," he said as Tyler drove past a bank.

"That's like, what? Two days after we graduate?"

"Yeah. I'm just glad that I don't have to be stuck there forever after school's over."

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