8. Car Ride

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"Bad news," Dallon told Josh who was approaching the taller boy's locker after school.

"What?" Josh asked, slumping his shoulders.

"I have to stay after school."


"Retake a test. Today's the last day my teacher will let me do it."

"Oh," Josh replied. "Okay, I'll just walk home, Patrick's school isn't that far from here."

"Ashley can't pick him up?"

"She's got work."

"Is she still teaching art classes at the college?"


"Then I'll just keep the grade I have–"

"No, no, no, Dal," Josh interrupted, cutting his friend off. "Your education is more important. It's fine, we can walk, last time I checked it was nice out."

"It's cloudy," Dallon pointed out, gesturing to the glass doors.

"But it's not storming," he replied. "I'm serious, go retake your test, Dal."

Dallon gave him a soft smile. "Thanks. I'll see you tomorrow," he said, walking towards the Science rooms. Josh smiled back, knowing full well that Dallon wouldn't be able to see it anymore. His gripped tightened on his backpack straps and he began walking out of the school.

Weaving through the crowd of people hanging around outside, he finally made it towards the end of the sidewalk and crossed the street towards his little brother's elementary school.

It was silent and Josh sighed in relief, basking in the calm atmosphere. That is, until he felt wet drops hit his body. He glanced down at the sidewalk and it quickly became spotted with a darker shade as the rain began to fall down faster and faster. Josh then felt the breeze pickup.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to stay as calm as he was a few seconds ago. Instantly, he became stressed and began walking faster.

Josh crossed the street yet again, and a few seconds after he did, a black car turned the corner that he just passed. It started to speed past him, but then suddenly slowed down to a stop once Josh was about to pass it.

The window rolled down and a tired but familiar face appeared through the lines of rain. "Get in the car."

"That's what kidnappers say."

"I'm not gonna kidnap you," Tyler replied, rolling his eyes.

"Well, you buy weed from high schoolers so I don't know how sketchy you are."

"Sorry for trying to be nice," Tyler scowled, advancing towards the button to roll up his window. He then stopped, sighing. "Josh, just get in the car, I'll give you a ride home."

"I can't. I have to pick up my brother from school," he replied shortly, beginning to walk off again. Starting his car up again, Tyler began to slowly drive alongside Josh.

"Where's he go to school at?"

"Parsons Elementary."

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