29. Unfair

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Tyler was sitting at the table and eating a bowl of cereal before school when he heard the doorbell rang. Happily, he shoved another spoonful into his mouth before he hopped up and hurried over to the door. When he opened it he was met with an expression matching his, being worn by the person he probably cared about the most. "Hi," Tyler smiled.

"Hi," Josh replied, blushing a bit.

"You ready for you school?" Tyler asked, opening the door a bit more for Josh.

"Mhm," he replied, walking in. "I'm so glad this is the last Monday."

"Same here," Tyler agreed, walking over to his cereal bowl. He picked it up and took it to the sink to begin rinsing it. "I can't stand school."

"At least it's better than home," Josh mumbled. Tyler turned around and frowned.

"Hey, don't let that ruin your mood, we're gonna have a great day today, okay?"

"Okay," Josh smiled sadly.

"Okay," Tyler nodded, loading his bowl into the dishwasher.


The ride to school was nothing short of amazing. Tyler softly played whatever music was on the radio while humming along to it. The two also had their fingers intertwined, resting on the center console for the whole ride there.

"So..." Brendon began as the four walked to English. "You guys official now?"

"I think so," Josh nodded.

"I know so," Tyler said, grinning. "I haven't just haven't asked properly yet."

"What?" Dallon asked.

"I'm waiting for the perfect time. Asking in a school bathroom isn't really the best gesture," he laughed. "Kinda shitty if you ask me."

"Oh my fucking God," Brendon groaned at Tyler's lame pun.

As they walked, Tyler felt something brush against his hand, he looked down and saw Josh move his hand closer to his own body. "Sorry," Josh mumbled. "I forgot you don't want anyone to know you're gay."

"I never said that," Tyler told him, grabbing Josh's hand and holding it. "We have a week left of school, we'll be fine," he smiled, making Josh smile back.

"You guys are so gay, I love it," Brendon gushed, opening the classroom door.

"Wow," Dallon coughed playfully.

"I love how gay we are too, don't worry, Dally," he teased, grabbing the taller man's hand as well.

"Today's a good day," Tyler spoke happily.

"Today is a good day," Josh agreed. "Especially with you," he said to Tyler.

Dallon and Brendon groaned. "That was so cheesy," Dallon said with faux annoyance. 

"Shut up," Josh laughed.


That day was not a good day.

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