26. Lecture

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The brunette was at his locker, grabbing his books before first period when he heard Dallon yell his name, running down the hallway. 

"What?" Josh laughed when his friend caught up with him, panting a bit.

"Brendon asked me out on a date yesterday!"


"Yes!" Dallon responded happily. "I've been waiting for this moment for three years," he gushed.

"I'm assuming you said yes?" Josh raised an eyebrow as he grabbed his english text book and shut his locker.

"Oh I said no," Dallon responded.

"What? Why?"

"I'm kidding!" the taller boy laughed as they began walking to their class together.

"Where're you going?"

"Where's who going?" a voice piped up, making Josh smile.

"Dallon was telling me about how Brendon asked him out yesterday."

"Way to go man!" Tyler gave Dallon a high five. "You've had a crush on him for the longest time."

"How do you know?"

"Oh it's been painfully obvious since sophomore year when accidentally ran into you in the hallway."

"I remember that!" another voice chimed in. Josh saw Dallon's face become as red as a tomato and he laughed. "Aw, its cute when you blush, Dally," Brendon cooed.

"Stop it or he's not gonna go out with you," Tyler laughed as well.

"I hate you guys," Dallon mumbled as he opened the door to Mr. Way's room. He saw Brendon start to head to his usual seat before speaking up. "Hey, come sit by us."

"You sure?"

"Yeah," Tyler nodded in agreement. "You can take Josh's seat and he can sit by me," he smiled.

"Alright," Josh complied, taking the seat next to Tyler and leaning his bag against the desk.

A few minutes passed and all four of them made conversation, a lot of the time laughing. They were interrupted when a girl walked up to Josh, looking nervous.

"Can we help you?" Tyler raised an eyebrow.

"U-uh," she stuttered. "That's my seat."

"Does it have your name-"

"Is it alright it I sit here today?" Josh asked. "My friend wants me to."

"Of course it's alright I said-"

"Tyler..." Josh said, drawing out his name. "Just for today? You can have it back tomorrow I promise."

"Y-yeah, that's alright," she nodded before scanning the room. Her eyes landed on Brendon's empty seat and she quickly went over and sat down in it as soon as the bell rang.

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