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A little less than one year later...

"Woah! This place is huge!" Madison gasped. "You guys have a lot of space."

"It's just empty Mads," Tyler laughed. "When we fill it up it's gonna be lot smaller than the your house."

"I like it," Josh smiled. "I'm proud that we saved up for it ourselves."

"Paying rent is gonna suck," Tyler grimaced.

"That's alright," Josh replied. "At least it ours."

"Woah, this really is big!"

Josh turned around and saw Patrick's eyes wide and bright, clutching on to the suitcase he was pulling behind him. He laughed. "I'm glad you like it, Trick."

"Which one's my room?" he asked excitedly.

"The first one on the right," Tyler pointed to it. "We'll help bring your stuff in."

"Okay!" Patrick left his suitcase and ran into it. "Holy smokes! I have a TV in my room!"

"I hope he likes it here," Josh sighs.

"He will. He can watch Spongebob whenever he wants now," Tyler smiled. "You're the best big brother ever. Or should I say dad," he teased.

"Oh no," Josh laughed. "Just because I'm his legal guardian now doesn't mean I'm his dad. That's too much. He's still my little brother."

"Madison! Come look!" Patrick hollered.

"Coming!" Madison called. "Hey! I wanna jump too!"

"No jumping on the beds!" Tyler called. "Unless I'm in there to catch you!" he continued, pecking Josh on the cheek and running into the room. There were a couple of joyous screams and Josh smiled.

"Josh? You gonna help Brendon and I carry in the couch?" he heard Dallon shout.

"Yeah," Josh called back. "Home sweet home," he whispered before walking out of the house and out to the moving truck.

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