31. Fight

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"You want a ride home, I'm assuming?" Tyler asked Josh as he was walking out of his last period class. His hangover from that morning finally went away and he was in a much better mood.

"Mhm," Josh mumbled. "We don't have to get Patrick, Ashley's watching him."

"Good, my mom said she'd pick Madison up today," Tyler lied. He just refused to do it. "Do you wanna go straight home?"

"Not really," Josh sighed as they were walking towards Tyler's car.

"Great," the brunette grinned mischievously.


Surprisingly, Josh did not object to Tyler's idea.

They were sitting in the back of Tyler's car while parked in a deserted lot that belonged to an abandoned mall on the other side of town. Tyler had gotten the blankets out of his trunk and decided to put The Office on using Netflix on his phone.

"This show is so funny," Josh smiled contently.

"I've seen it like three times," Tyler laughed. "It never gets old."

He noticed Josh starting to doze off and he decided to let him, making a mental note to wake him up by four thirty. They still had a good forty-five minutes.

Their show was interrupted when Tyler saw he had an incoming call from Brendon. Josh groaned in annoyance. Laughing, Tyler accepted the call and put it up to his ear. "What's up, forehead?"

"Can you ask your boyfriend why the fuck he didn't give me my weed after school?" Brendon asked, annoyed.


"I waited for half an hour and he never showed."

"He's with me..." Brendon talked some more. "Alright, I'll ask," Tyler sighed, pulling the phone away from his mouth. "Brendon wants to know why you didn't give him his weed after school."

"Oh no," Josh's eyes widened. "Oh no," he repeated.

"Josh?" Tyler began to worry. "What's wrong?"

Josh didn't answer and instead he closed his eyes and tried to take deep breaths, but they came out shaky and uneven.

"Brendon, I gotta go," Tyler hung up and set his phone down. "Josh, breathe."

"I can't," Josh said shakily.

"It's gonna be okay," Tyler tried.

"No it's not," Josh shook, still breathing unevenly. "It hasn't been my whole life and it isn't now."


"Can you just take me home?" he asked, anxiety radiating off of him.

"Yeah..." Tyler sighed sadly. "I can," he got out of the car and walked the few steps it took to get to the front seat, Josh doing the same.

Silently, Tyler started his car and pulled out of the parking lot, beginning their journey home. About five minutes in, he saw the sky darken and rain started pouring out of nowhere. Irritated, Tyler turned on his wipers and kept driving. As he continued towards Josh's house, the rain continued as well, getting heavier and heavier.

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