Chapter 5

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Once Arthur and Chris leave the room, I look in my pocket and, sure enough, Chris had slipped in a small piece of paper with his number on. Haha, he's persistent, I'll give him that - but he knows I am married and if you're asking me, that's unfair play on his part. He should know better. It is only a number though... it doesn't have to mean sex on a plate, right? Maybe he's reaching out to me because he wants another friend, an ally, a business contact. Logical explanations.

I add his number onto my phone and then go back to my desk to continue the rest of the work day. It goes by surprisingly quickly and I find myself back home in no time at all.

"Hi James," I say, hanging my bag and coat up. "What's for dinner?"

"Chinese," he murmurs.

I look over at him and he's sat reading his latest historical novel, an obsession of his, with a paper bag and red wine.

As I walk over, he glances at me through his reading glasses. "Your mood's changed."

"Are you asking for me to be grumpy all the time? I've just had a good day, that's all," I reply. I get out my food and plastic cutlery from the bag, say 'thank you' and then sit down next to him.

We become consumed in complete silence, neither one of us saying anything. I don't have anything to say to him and I assume he doesn't have anything to say to me. It begins to feel awkward so I tip my food into the trash and go upstairs to bed.

Once I'm in bed, I text Chris:

F: 'Hi Chris, thanks for the number, lol. Save mine in your phone. :)'

He replies straight away:

C: 'Thought you'd never reply. Thanks for leaving me hanging, Faye. Just added your number.'

F: 'Sorry, I've been working and then I had my dinner... this is the 1st chance I've had. Anyway, wuu2?'

C: 'I was joking... awkward ;-). Mmmm just chilling at home, bored as fuck. You?'

F: 'I know. ;) I'm tucked in bed.'

C: 'With your man?'

F: 'No, he's downstairs drunk.'

C: 'Fun times for you then, lol. Anyway, fancy meeting up tomorrow?'

F: '... What do you want from me, Chris? I have a husband...'

C: 'What's wrong with me just being in your company? Anything?'

F: 'Mm k, suppose not. Meet me outside my work at 8pm?'

C: 'Alright, I know exactly where to take you. Get to sleep ;-). See you tomorrow.'

F: 'Bye, laters. :)'

I turn my phone off and then go to sleep.


8pm and Faye's still not here. She's stood me up. Ha.

"Hey," I suddenly hear her voice seep through the slightly opened car window.

 I get out of the car and open the front passenger's door for her. She thanks me and then sits down while I go round and sit back in my seat.

"How was work?" I ask as we set off.

"My boss made the whole day terrible. But apart from that, it was good, thank you."

I smile. "Isn't your boss that Michael guy who was supposed to do our deal instead of you?"

"Yeah," she replies. "He's an idiot, I'm telling you."

I really like being around Faye. She's different, like a breath of fresh air, and she's just herself. I'm sick of being with girls who pretend to be something they're not and that's what makes me like Faye even more. She has style, manners, charm, class, presence - all rare things to stubble upon in Earth's 21st century. Her husband seems to me, by her texts, a bum and I want to step up and be what Faye really deserves - a gentleman.

"Want to know where we're going?" I enquire.

"Yeah, please."

"That new restaurant that's just opened up. It's just here," I say, pulling up.

Faye goes to open her door herself and I quickly get out and open it for her.

"Chris, I'm not royalty. I'm more than capable, you know."

"But you're a lady. And tonight, I'm your gentleman."

She looks around and smirks. "You corny fucker."

Us and our laughter step inside the packed restaurant and we are directed to a table for two. I pull out Faye's chair and we sit down, both of us ordering water.

"You don't drink either?" I say to her, surprised.

"Nope. It's one of the main reasons why I hate it when James drinks every night when I come in from work. He'll be sat at home right now drinking."

"Does he know you're out tonight?" I ask.


"Does he know who with?"

She smiles and reaches for her glass of water. "I told him I'm with a client. Which is 100% true, by the way."

"Not really," I correct her. "Our business partnership's over now, remember? I'd class myself as a... friend to you."

"A friend?" Faye says after taking a sip of water.

"Yeah. We're past the acquaintance mark, surely?"

"I'll let you be the judge of that, Chris."


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