Chapter 35

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I obviously don't tell Chris about Arthur. It's not like he stated that he fancies me.

But now that I think about it... he's fancied me for a while, hasn't he? He's fancied me all this time.

I'm not letting him ruin Chris and I's relationship. We've worked so fucking hard to get to the place we are at currently. I can't see where Arthur's logic is; he surely knows what Chris and I have is special? Unless he struggles to even contemplate it because of his feelings. Fuck his feelings. I know that sounds mean - and I know what it feels like marrying the wrong person - but Arthur is being incredibly idiotic. I'm never leaving Chris. I am entirely off the snatching market. If Arthur ever steps even one foot into the wrong zone, I'll push him out of it at such a force that he will never dare to begin the trek again. It may seem harsh but I have to be protective of the relationship that is my whole life. Chris is my everything. I don't want to exist in a world that Chris isn't in and he is the reason why I persevered in that fucking hospital. Arthur will honestly regret it if he does anything stupid; I can assure you of that.

I don't do anything productive for the next two days. I sleep, wake up, eat, sleep, wake up, wonder what Chris is doing, worry about work, become frustrated over Arthur, eat, wonder what Chris is doing and sleep in a continuous, boring cycle.

When Monday comes around, I make myself a cup of tea before getting ready and jumping into my car. Despite the amount of sleep I had gotten, I still feel tired and lifeless - which isn't really good for Michael and I's 'banter'. I need to be wide awake to deal with his ass face. Hopefully the caffeine will kick in soon.

I park the car and walk into the headquarters.

"Good morning, Faye," Arthur's voice says from nowhere. I look around for him - but when I don't see him, I continue walking. "Faye!"

I stop properly this time. I spot him at the bottom of the corridor with papers and folders in his hands. He tries to wave but drops everything.

"Shit," I hear him say as I walk over to him.

I sigh. "Let me help."

I bend down to join him in picking it all up. Being the nosy shit that I am, I cautiously glance at the papers to see what they are. Mm... accounts. And plans.

"Thanks," Arthur mumbles after. "I apologise for the other day, by the way."

I nod my head and walk through the rest of the corridors to my desk. I don't wish to discuss the other day with Arthur. In my head, it never happened. Arthur never did what he did. He never gave me the impression that he likes me in a too much kind of way. I am being difficult and ignoring him because of nothing in particular. And no one is correcting my wrongness.

"Faye," Michael smiles slyly, his arm resting on my desk in a waiting manner. "Three minutes late, I believe."

"Sue me," I put my hands up and sit down in my chair.

"No. Suing would take up too much time that I simply don't have. But seriously, Faye, you're treading on thin ice already. Don't break it."

"How am I treading on thin ice?" I look straight into his eyes, hoping to startle him for an answer. He doesn't answer. "I am sick of you, Michael. Sick of trying to prove you wrong. For five fucking years I've been working so fucking hard. I don't expect trumpets but I do expect at least some recognition. I was three minutes late. Big deal. I would have been here on time if YOUR client, who I took on for you, Arthur Lowe, hadn't dropped his shit he was carrying in the corridor; I helped him pick it up. So just get out of my fucking face."

"I'm trying to keep your job. I do recognise your achievements. They're impressive. But you've got a long way to go until your job is secure."

Before I can say anything, Michael laughs quietly to himself as he strolls back to his office. He only does what he does to wind me up and make me irritated for the rest of the day. I don't know why I let Michael annoy me - but it's probably because I want some entertainment in this boring place.


I don't regret what happened. I just wish Arthur hadn't seen it. He probably won't want to have anything to do with me anymore - and I can't say that I blame him; I wouldn't want to catch Stephanie and him in the act.

I keep reminding myself that everything happens for a reason. I am still mortified and still find it surreal. But I guess I just have to accept it happened and stop thinking about it. I can't turn back time.

I go downstairs and eat some leftover pizza. It tastes like cardboard but I can't be bothered to go out or make something.

I wonder what Faye's doing. I look at my phone for the time. Oh, she'll be at work now. I might go to pick her up when she finishes.

Then I notice that I have a text from Siena. Shit. I thought she'd stopped harassing me now.

'hey chrissy chrissy boo.. just wondarin wut ur dick up 2? or how up is it?? im at ur side of town 2day so holla if u need'

My head goes into my hands. What is Siena's fucking problem? It seems less about the money now. Like she has 'feelings'. After all, plenty of men pay more than I have previously.

I text back:

'I'm not interested anymore. Sorry.'

S: 'com on chris. u fukkin want me, i no it. im comin round ur place now. be there in 2'

She's not coming here! I don't want her!

C: 'Don't come here. You won't be getting anything.'

S: 'its worth a shot'

I quickly lock the door like the coward that I am. It was fun with her while it lasted but I don't want that anymore. I seriously, seriously don't want it.



I want to apologise sincerely for the wait. I've got exams coming up. Updating will definitely be back to normal mid June. :)

Love you all; your support is amazing and I can't thank you enough. x

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