Chapter 38

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I park my car up and walk into work.

I’d do anything just to take my mind off Chris - so I’m glad I’m not off today. I still have that horrible betrayal feeling in the pit of my stomach which I can’t get rid of. It feels like my heart has fallen and it’s dragged everything else down with it. Like I said before, this may just be the tipping point which sends me back to the dreaded place that is square one.

I still love him. The only thing I want to do is cry.

I walk to my desk.

“Mrs. Spencer. You’re late.”

Fuck off, Michael.

I stare at him with the blankest expression possible. 

I so wish that looks could literally kill.

He returns a cold stare and shoves his hands into his pockets in an unprofessional manner. It, somehow, gives me the impression that he’s trying to extend a friendly hand out; like he’s try to make our surroundings less formal so he can attempt to help me out with whatever he thinks is the matter. He takes his hands out of his pockets briefly to loosen his neck from his tie slightly before slipping them back into the warm depths of comfort.

“Forget I said anything,” he smiles in an assuaging manner. He glances at me one last time before doing the familiar walk of shame to his office. But instead of hanging his head low like he usually does - because the walk from my desk to his office usually means that I have slammed down his ego considerably - Michael adopts a slow, arrogant pace which pisses me off even more and completely floods my mood in comparison to dampening it.

I don’t log onto my computer. I am not opening anything up today - or perhaps ever again. I am only closing from now on. And if that means being petty over a fucking computer, so what? I don’t give a fuck.

I fold my arms on my desk, bury my head into the perfectly formed mould between them and close my eyes. Wow. My life. This is what I live for.

Stop it, Faye. You’re not crying at work. Come on.

I sit up. I need to pull myself together. 



Arthur’s voice.

“What?” I snap. He is the last person I want to see. Bring Michael back if it means I don’t have to look at another person who didn’t want Chris and I to be together.

“Stephanie told me to invite you to come over to ours after work today.”

HAHAHAHAHA. That is the most hilarious shit I have heard in my entire life! Wow.

“Are you fucking stupid?” I reply a little too loudly.

“Um… no. Are you OK?”

“No, no I’m not OK! Anything but! And you have to make me feel even smaller, don’t you?”

“I didn’t mean to,” Arthur says.


I sit up taller, trying to keep my pride. I don’t want Arthur to know what has happened; I don’t want to give him the guaranteed satisfaction. But he’s going to know eventually so I may as well just tell him now. “Chris and I have finished.”

Arthur’s eyes develop a strange twinkle before he continues speaking and I instantly want to put my kickboxing lessons that I took ten years ago into practice. How does he fucking do it? What a heartless, twisted piece of regurgitated shit. I’ve lost my boyfriend. I realize that there are worse problems in the world but he is being totally unnecessary right now and I have really had fucking enough of him. He thinks that he can control people without metaphorically touching them - and maybe he’s right. Arthur wasn’t the reason Chris and I split but that’s what he wanted to happen and his wish has come true. I’m really hoping some kind of karma comes whooshing around the corner right about now.

“I’m sorry.”

“Get away from me,” I grit my teeth. My throat becomes heavier and the tears are ready to step onto the stage and perform - much to my dismay.

“You haven’t… accepted or declined the invitation yet.”

“I decline. And if you’re not fucking careful, Arthur LOWE, I’ll resign too. Now please leave me the fuck alone.”

I stare out of the window and hope he goes, although I don’t check to see if he does. The only thing that’s beautiful in my life now - this view. The way the sky compliments the skyscrapers and how they embrace to form what I can only describe to the best of my ability as what is surely the best view for millions of miles… it is so breathtaking.

When my gut tells me that Arthur is no longer here, I slump back into my prior position and close my eyes.


“Hello? Faye?” Michael says, shaking me. “What are you doing, Faye?!”

I slowly wake up but keep my eyes closed until I know I am ready to face whatever I am about to.

He shakes his head and pushes his pointed index finger onto my desk. “Come with me. Now.”

I follow him to his office - something which I seem to have made a habit of. Michael closes the door once I have walked through and sits behind his desk. I sit infront of him.

“Faye, what the fuck are you doing?!” he shouts, his eyes enlarging with every word.

I yawn and look away from him. I don’t know what I’m doing, that’s the problem. Well, I know I’m trying to get over Chris and work at the same time and that that isn’t exactly working out. I should have kept my boring life with James. At least that was secure and easy. It didn’t require any emotions.

“I don’t know.”

“This isn’t you. Where is that eager and enthusiastic eighteen year old who worked her way up to the top bands?! You were sleeping! AT WORK!”

The reminiscent card doesn’t give quite the effect Michael was hoping for. I run my fingers through my hair and slowly sigh. “Sorry.”

“You know what I’m going to have to do. It really breaks my heart but I’m going to have to let you go.”

I don’t want to identify with the seriousness of his words. I can’t.

Michael walks over to the door and opens it. “If you’d like to leave.”

I feel like I’m dragging my head through the ground with the amount of shame and realization that hits me as I get up. I can’t believe I have been fucking stupid enough to lose my job. AGAIN.

I have no one to blame but myself.



I am truly sorry for keeping you waiting! I had major writer's block with this chapter plus I have really important exams approaching which I am studying for. I know there shouldn't be excuses for how long it's been but... yeah, I'm really sorry.

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