Chapter 31

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I go for a walk to the park Mom used to take Jonah and I to. I go into a distant and vacant mind set while I'm there, not thinking about anything. I can't be fucking bothered; I'm too angry with myself for pushing Chris away again. If I think, I'll only cry.

After a couple of hours, I get bored - so I walk back home. But when I'm about halfway, my phone rings.

It's Michael? What?!

"Michael?" I answer.

"Hi Faye. How are you doing?" his familiar voice says.

I haven't heard his voice in so long. Fuck, this is surreal. I'd 'hated' him before but now he's rang me to check I'm OK, maybe I can be a little lenient.


"Good, thanks. Why are you calling me?"

"There's two reasons. First of all, I learnt that you've been in hospital recently but that you're out now."

So that's why he's ringing? I should have known better.

Hang on... someone must have told him. I didn't tell him.

I grit my teeth, annoyed that people are talking about me behind my back. "Who told you?"


"Fuck him. I'm calling him after you've finished."

Michael pauses. "The second reason why I'm ringing is because I was wondering, now you're out of hospital, if you would like your job back?"

I would love my job back.

But I want there to still be time for Chris as well.

"I don't know, Michael..." I reply.

I look behind me and cross the street.

"We would love to have you back."

"'We' or 'you'? There's a significant difference between the two," I scoff. "What happens if I can't take the pressure of the job again?"

"Life's about taking risks, Faye. You have to have faith in yourself. And, to be honest, work really isn't the same without you."

"Fine. I'm in," I mutter.

"Really?! You're coming back?!"

"I suppose, yeah. But can I do part time?"

I feel like doing full time again would be another car crash; I can't visit those dark places anymore.

For Chris' sake.

"Sure, sure. Four days a week? Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday?"


"I'll see you tomorrow then."

"Yeah. And thanks for giving me another chance, Michael."

"No problem. Bye."


I hang up.

Did that just happen? I just got my job back?!

Euuurrgghh, now I need to ring Arthur.

"Why did you tell Michael what's happened?! Who else have you told?" I shout down the phone.

"Is this Faye?"

"No. It's Mr. Bloggs."

"I'm sorry. Really sorry."

I laugh. "Do you know how difficult all this is for me? For you to stab me in the back, when I trust very few people as it is, is fucking hurtful. I thought I knew you better, Arthur."

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