Chapter 7

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I get in my car and drive to work, getting there just before I'm supposed to. 

Michael spots me and strolls over to my desk. "I see that someone's early." 

"Yeah. Problem?" 

"No, not at all. I'm just pleasantly surprised; thought my eyes were deceiving me." 

"I'm early. Sherlock will be jealous as fuck of your detective skills," I mutter quietly. "Don't piss me off today, Michael, because I'm running out of places to hide bodies. Wait, I have an idea - how about you go play in all the traffic out there?" 

He moves closer to me, something I don't expect him to do considering I just said that I want him dead. "Anyway, how come you're early?" 

"Oh, I had a nightmare that I was you so I couldn't get back to sleep afterwards." 

He walks back to his office and a smile appears on my face. Dumbass. 

The work day goes slowly. I keep thinking about Chris coming over and how it will pan out with him and James, wondering if it will end with James pounding Chris or Chris pounding James in an invisible boxing ring. I'm also just nervous and anxious as fuck that Chris will be in my house and that he'll be breathing the same air as James. 

I let out a sigh of relief when the clock says I can go home; I just want to get tonight out of the way.

When I arrive back, James has already set the table. 

"Thanks for setting the table, James," I say, not knowing his current location in the house. 

I suddenly feel hands on my shoulders and lips on my neck. The kisses don't start gently; they are rushed and forceful. 

"James?" I ask, confused. 

"Yeah, it's me. Don't worry, it's not Chris," he whispers sedately in between kisses. 

His hands move slowly down my body, resting on their destination once they get to it - my ass. He leans closer to me and I can feel his growing dick, through his pants, delicately touching me. 

"James, I've got to start cooking," I inform him. 

He ignores me, removing his hands from my ass and turning me around, moulding our lips and tongues together passionately. 

He takes his lips away from mine for a few seconds so he can talk, resting our foreheads together and holding my face with his hands. "I want to show you how I really feel about you. I haven't been myself for the last few months and this is my apology." 

But he's always been grumpy. And he is only doing this because he doesn't want to lose my 'love'; James is trying to steer my attention back to himself. 

"Save it for later," I smile falsely, leaving his grasp for the old recipe books we have stacked up in the kitchen.  

I pick a random recipe from a random book and start cooking. Usually my cooking's shit - but hopefully it goes well tonight. 

As I'm finishing up the meal, vegetable stroganoff, there's a knock at the door. My heart feels like it's trying to escape from my throat, especially when I realise that James has beat me to answering it. 

"James. Thanks for inviting me," I hear Chris say. 

"No problem, Chris," James replies. 

I turn around a few seconds later and, sure enough, Chris appears at the doorway and walks through. He looks at me intently and I look back at him, neither one of us able to take our eyes away from each other until James joins us. 

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