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Audrina took that as a compliment as she continued to read the case over for what must have been the millionth time. "Theatrical... Theatrical..." The small female gasped suddenly, and like a whirlwind, got up from the seat and began working quickly at the cork board. She mumbled the word under her breath as she did this, focusing until she finished and stepped back. Thin red lines of yarn connected certain things, like the actress and Othello, connected to the newspaper clipping and the Journalist, which in turn connected to the Coach.

The only thing left out was the Detective. She tapped her foot, aware that her brother had left. But it wouldn't stop her. She didn't quite understand how the Detective was connected, it seemed out of place in the otherwise theatrical murders.

"Reveille was an actress.. First victim.. Which connects to the Journailst... Who wrote an article about the Liberal Arts being cut in place of Athletic Budget Increase.. Which ties to the Pig... Perhaps they were an old student.." This wasn't her job, but she had nothing to do right now. As if realizing something, she hurried out of her brothers office and followed the voices, noticing Abigail.

She paused. "Abby. Nice to see you. Um... Aaron you should probably see this if you get a chance before the conference. I think I found something." She had waved at the female, who was a co-worker, then had turned to her brother, looking up at the much taller man and jabbing him in the cheek with a fingernail.

Noticing another female, she tipped her head to the side. "The killers... Just... Eccentric. Something... Something tells me he's toying with us..." She was speaking to her brother, but watching the female who seemed cold. She remembered getting a bit of information about her. "Why did he choose who he chose.." She mumbled, finally looking away. She fidgeted with her hands, kind of nervous she would get in major trouble for helping with the case. But there hadn't been problems in the past. Then again, it hadn't been nearly as bad as this. She looked to her brother, as if looking for an answer.

Abby had watched the clerk woman get up and go get an 'Officer' or by the looks of it a Detective. Good. Seemed her luck was changing. Good. Even with his short words she wasn't going to be intimidated or silenced. She wasn't leaving without a quote.

"I've called twenty seven times and have left a message. I'm done calling." She countered, quickly, her notepad promptly in her hand along with a pen she'd found on the counter. The clerk groaned but Abigail just smirked at the Man's offer for dinner. "Dinner? Ah, so on top of being inept enough to issue an official bullshit statement of 'we're working on it' at least, The CCPD is very much guilty of exchanging certain favours for Information? Is that how the Bimbos from News Channel Five got their story, Sir? Am I understanding you correctly?" Abigail spouted off, smiled and let her hand fall from the notepad.

"Look. I'm not trying to make your life a living hell. So just say something. Like "Oh we're working on it. Or something. I don't know. You wouldn't want civilians to sleep uneasy unsure of whether the department, cares, would you? What's your name by the way?"

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