Rochelle wrapped her arms around her cousin. She grinned as they let go of each other. "Come back soon!" She told him. He nodded enthusiastically, saying "Of course! I'm gonna try to come up for a week, if I can get the time off work." He ran his hand through his hair. "I hate that I only got to see you for a few hours!" He shook his head, sliding into his car as he did. Rochelle sighed. "I'll miss you, D." She puted, waving as the male drove away.
The woman turned to run back up the sidewalk to the house she had inherited when her Grandmother passed. It still shocked her that the entire house had been left to her alone. Of course, she was the only grandchild of her mother's side of the family. She locked the door, out of habit from having lived in the city, before retreating to the her upstairs bedroom. Checking the clock, the young woman decided she would try to make it to work, after all. After Dillion had arrived late last night, the female had called off from work today to spend time with him.
Rochelle changed quickly into a gray pencil skirt, a long sleeve of the same color, and black tights. She pulled a matching gray blazer from her closet and a pair of gray suede ankle boot high heels. The girl sighed as she gave herself aonce over before quickly throwing on some makeup. She grabbed her wallet, making sure to put it in her purse, and then picked her phone off of the bedside table. The woman dialed the number of the station. "Hello, this is Rochelle Edgwater." She said to the woman that answered. "I'm gonna be heading into work after all. She told her. "Miss Babineaux is in the field, would you like us to call her to get her location, and give you a call back?" The woman said. "No, that won't be necessary. I can message her." She said, hanging up after the woman's goodbye.
Rocky opened her text messaging app and tapped 'new message'. She put in Angie's number, and wrote a quick text.
To: Angie
From: Rocky
Heading into work now,
after a quick stop at the cafe.
Meet me?The woman clicked send and peeked out the window. The rain had died down a bit, but she still felt an umbrella might come inhandy. She put her bag on her arm and grabbed the umbrella by the door on the way out. The woman took the stairs two at a time, and headed to the connected garage. She slipped through and jumped into her car. Rocky clicked the automatic garage door opener and backed out. She drove in the direction of the city, looking back at her house as she drove away.
Rocky really didn't like living by herself in the large house, but she did like not having to pay bills. It was also nice to be just outside of the city limits. Being in the house alone sometimes got a little scary, though, she had to admit. Especially with all these killings going on. The woman sighed. It was a tragedy, and she didn't enjoy the bad ratings Channel 5 got for telling the truth. It was like they blamed Angie for all the stuff she said, but realistically she just said facts. And sometimes she read them off a teleprompter. Although most of Angie's stories were her own words, especially the live broadcasts.
The blonde turned on the radio, it was unnerving to drive in silence. She didn't really listen to the song thatplayed, but the sound was soothing. Before she knew it, she was pulling into a parking spot at the cafe. She glanced around once for Angie, then slipped inside and ordered a Chocolate Mocha and croissant for here.

SPLATTER (draft)
Misteri / ThrillerIt's been on National TV. The obsession of the local newspaper. Fear in every resident's heart that compels them to lock their doors at night and to keep the dog loose. To never stay out past eight, or dark. The first body they found was of a you...