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Ben's lips tightened as he listened to the screeching voice that was directed at him, this fucking lady was losing her absolute shit at him and Casey, after both of their retorts directed at her she began to go on her angry ranting spree; once again attempting to tell them what CCPD's jobs were. The man's jaw clenched, as he bit down on his tongue attempting to hold back his own words. If he spoke now; it would've been nasty - no more nice guy, instead he'd be angry and out of control. Alas he could not do so as he was in Uniform, and by being a Rookie he'd more than likely lose his job by assaulting someone - he certainly could not have that at all. He still needed his parents to recognise his efforts and all the hard work that he's been putting into Cedar City; finally getting that recognition from both his parents telling them how proud they are of him. Benjamin let out a groan as he continued to listen to that reporters irritating voice. God she was a headache, and clearly she wasn't going to give in any time soon, instead she just kept going on and on, and fucking on. Ben bundled his fists into a ball - oh how he wished he could just slap her across the face and tell her to shut the fuck up; that she had no idea what she was on about at all, but he knew he couldn't.

The man grimaced as the woman hissed at him and pointed behind to where the body of the latest victim lay; how dare she have the fucking audacity to say such wrongful things about them all!? They truly were doing the best that they could in order to keep Cedar as secured as possible - there really wasn't much more they could do until they got a definite lead on who the murderer was. So far, nothing though, at least to his little knowledge on the case. The best that he could do was ensure that things ran smoothly as he patrolled the City, ensuring that there was somewhat order and peace within citizens, he was after all still a Rookie and despite how much prior experience had had dealing with delinquents when he was a security guard; being a Rookie Cop was a completely different thing. He was still learning the ins and outs of the system; what to do, and of course what NOT to do - losing his shit at a reporter and resisting the urge to slap them would certainly be on that list. Luckily enough though, he had Casey as his partner in order to straighten him out and put him onto the right path.

Benjamin was not a violent man at all - however if a situation called for it, he absolutely would defend himself and those he cared about. The only issue was, he had a slight temper. Things could easily really aggravate or piss him off at times, and when, or if those events were to occur it would be best to avoid the man unless you were expecting some severe conflict. It wasn't as though he enjoyed getting all worked up and angry, however there were certain situations that called for it, and a primary example would've been this one - exactly what was happening right now with that damned reporter, and stupid idiotic kid who didn't know when to quit. The man was usually rather calm and collected, keeping his temper under control unless something irked him to the point where there absolutely was no going back from. He chose to keep his temper in check, especially when it came to Lauren and her family, along with his and their family friends - he had to be that well reserved man, as he did not want anyone to think badly of him.

Another groan escaped the mans lips as he tightened his fists together again, he was going to pounce any moment. Fuck this, surely he was allowed to do something in order to get her to shut the hell up.

More screeching.

His attention diverted to Casey, who had lowered his voice relaxing him; as always this soothed him. Ben unwrapped his fist spreading out his fingers as he listened to Casey in his soothing tone. He knew he could always rely upon his partner to keep him in check - this was why he needed Casey to be at work, otherwise there was no guarantees who he'd flip it at. His eyes locked with the reporters, his attention attentive. Ben opened his mouth to let out a response to Abby, this time in a much calmer manner. "Look - I understand how stressful this is, it is for everybody." He paused before continuing his sentence again "Yes, it is our job and as you can see, the area IS in fact secured. You're just too close to the tape. As for blaming civilians, we do no such thing, simply what we ask of you is to co operate with Officers in order for us to get our jobs done successfully,  misconduct such as an overbearing crowd results in disruptions to our duties." He stated, his eyes still locked with the woman, as she hissed at him some more.

The comment about Lauren being on scene before  the rest of them made Benjamin squirm slightly; she was correct on that one but of course he wouldn't actually tell her that. A small frown appeared on the mans face, as his eyebrows furrowed together before quickly thinking of a response. Perhaps not the best, although it'd do for now. He had to save their asses on this one. "Whether she was the Deputy District Attorney or not, is none of your concern." he said back, as she began to address Casey directly, and then to the both of them again. Shit, Casey's replies must've irritated her as she began to rant again about The Gazette, and how they didn't get ratings, as she mentioned Channel 5. God damn it. Benjamin heaved a sigh, he was over her spiel. Making a mental note of what her name was, the man began to tune out, not listening completely to the woman until of course, she mentioned John. Ben's blood started to boil; he'd stay out of this one and let Casey handle it before he'd lose it at Abigail again.

Fucking damn it.

Calming himself down, Ben tuned out yet again until of course, Casey addressed Oliver telling him to go home, only noticing that Abigail had walked away, however the kid losing his cool. He didn't pay too much to the rest of the conversation as before he knew it the boy had shoved into him and attempted to get through to where the body was. Of course Benjamin wouldn't let him get far - grabbing one of Oliver's arms, he pulled him back towards his direction with mass force, twisting his arm in a motion so that he was detained. Quickly Ben reached for his handcuffs which were hanging from his pants, and as training had taught him at the Academy he cuffed both of the boys hands together, clicking the cuffs so that they were locked in place. He turned Oliver around so he faced them both, an angry look on his face. He wasn't in the mood for any more bullshit. Holding onto one arm, he turned to Oliver before speaking out the Miranda Rights. "You have a right to remain silent, anything you say or do will be used against you in a court of law - You have a right to speak to an attorney and to have an attorney present during questioning, and if you cannot afford one, the state will provide one for you. You are under arrest for obstruction of a crime scene." he stated firmly to Oliver, still clutching onto his arm to ensure that he would not flee, only his attention caught this time by a Construction Worker. Ben scowled, as he turned to face the man before uttering a response to his smart ass comment. "Watch it Tradie. Or it's you next." He snarled back - he was on a short fuse and didn't have time for any more bullshit.

Moments later Easter had appeared as she greeted the two of them, her comment about Abigail made the man let out a small chuckle. She was requesting that he take her back to the Precinct so that she could head back to her lab to take further look at the evidence she had collected. Benjamin nodded at Easter's request, he needed to get this kid into a cell anyways. "Sure thing Easter, I need to get this delinquent down into holding, so I'm heading back there." Complying, Benjamin walked with Easter and the cuffed Oliver into his squad car, shoving Oliver into the back, whilst Easter sat at the front with him. The man turned on the engine and drove back towards the Precinct.

The drive downtime was surprisingly much faster than it was earlier this morning as the traffic had died down drastically. When Easter and himself had arrived, she made her way back towards her lab whilst Ben had handed Oliver over to one of the cell guards. At least that shit head was out of the way for now. Ben had decided that he'd make a nice gesture and go get himself and Easter some coffee, as he made his way towards her lab, he noticed that something was wrong. Walking inside he say a sprawled bleeding out Easter on the floor with her phone not too far from her. Dropping both of their coffees on the ground, the man in shock rushed down to her, unsure of exactly what to do.


Yelling out he called for someone in the Precinct to call for 911 and to get the Ambulance on the line ASAP.

They arrived shortly, and Easter was strapped and taken in. The man was lost for words; he was in shock. How the fuck did the killer get in the Precinct!?

He was going to pay, in the meantime he just hoped that Easter was going to be alright.

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