Chapter 9

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The next week went by just as I had expected it to: I stayed cooped up in my room and didn't leave my bed unless it was to eat or go to the bathroom. I'd finished the remaining work I had to do quickly and was left with way too much free time for my own good, it felt. It didn't take me long to get through the book I had bought, and I really wasn't about to actually read the comic Ashton made me get. Luckily, I'd discovered that my family had a Netflix account and could waste the rest of my summer watching horrible reality shows.

But now it's the first day of school. And although I had felt like the fraction of the summer I spent here in Ohio was boring, I'd much rather be watching What Not to Wear right now than trying to figure out if the outfit I was wearing was the right one for my return. It wasn't like anything I wore was spectacular when I was here back in middle school, but I can't help but wonder if what was 'fashionable' here in California is the same in Ohio. 

I shrug at my reflection in the full-body mirror hanging behind my door. I'm pretty sure shorts over tights didn't stop at the California border, and my jacket and tanktop were something I'd had forever. Still, though. I'll be begging for forgiveness for ignoring everyone for three years, I don't want to look like a wreck when I do it too.

I tilt my head to the side and continue to stare, to critique. Maybe I should go with a leather jacket? Or is that too much?

"Maddie, we're leaving soon. What the hell are you doing?" Cooper pounds on my door with probably as much force as he can, "Have you even left your room?"

I pin my bangs out of my face quickly and grab my backpack from beside the door before opening it. Cooper is still standing there in annoyance, his own bag slung over his shoulder. He cocks his eyebrow at me, "You're not wearing that."

I ignore him. What does he know about clothes anyway? "Do I still have time to eat?"

"Ashton is going to be here in like five minutes. So, no."

"Ashton? Why is he coming here?" I ask with a hint of disgust in my voice. The week without seeing him was heaven, and I thought I'd keep up with that streak.

"He takes me to school since he has a car. You're welcome to ride the bus if you want," Cooper smirks before turning to run down the stairs. I follow closely on his tail, nearly tripping in the process.

"Does he take Luke too?"

"No," It's obvious by his voice that my brother is rolling his eyes, "He has his own car."

 "Okay," I sigh, grabbing a banana off the counter once we reach the kitchen. I want to say at least a 'good morning' to my mom, but Cooper wastes no time and is out the door in a second. I race after him and as soon as we're outside, a jeep pulls into the driveway with none other than Ashton Irwin in the driver's seat.

Cooper walks casually to the passanger door, as though he wasn't just rushing through the house like his life depended on it. This is about to be the longest car ride, if not day, of my life. I take a deep breath and open the door to the back seat. I hope Cooper isn't expecting me to be friendly to Ashton, because I don't plan on trying to be.

"Well damn," Ashton exclaims as soon as I sit down. He's eyeing me through the rearview mirror and leans back in his seat, running his tongue over his bottom lip. My eyebrows knit together almost immediately as I hear him mumble, "I want a piece of that."

"Dude!" Cooper turns to him, seemingly more disgusted than me. He has a horrified look on his face that if I wasn't so in shock, I might actually find funny. "Are you kidding me? I think I might barf."

"What? She looks hot okay?" He turns around to face me, "You look hot today."

I'm at a loss for words, feeling violated just by the way he is looking at me, and Cooper's head falls into his hands. "Oh my god," He rubs his temples, groaning, "Please just drive and don't speak about Madeline like that ever again."

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