Chapter 38

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==Maddie's POV==

Michael pulls into what is supposed to be the nearest pizza parlor's parking lot swiftly, giving me a whole knew definition of what excited about pizza looks like. He had asked Siri for directions, but it was clear in the way that he was always one step ahead of her that he was just trying -- and failing -- to appear less obsessed than he already is.

That two second conversation with the app, however, was the only break in Michael giving Milly a hard time about Cooper and I'm not sure who it makes more uncomfortable. It was funny at first, but now it only has me thinking too far into it. What the hell was Cooper even doing? Something in the past, whether it have been a passing remark or a total dick move, had to have made Milly think he was an asshole in the first place. So why would Cooper just suddenly have a change of attitude toward her? First me and now her. As nice as he's being, something is going on with Cooper and that scares me.

"Tell me again that it didn't mean anything and I'll be sure to laugh in your face again," Michael turns off the ignition and opens his door, hopping out onto the pavement. Milly looks back at me with a look of disbelief and I shake my head. Once we all head inside, she continues.

"Laugh in my face again and I will yell every thing you've ever told me in secret to this entire restaraunt. Go ahead," Milly threatens just before a hostess comes to take us to a table. I make a mental note to applaud her for that as we walk in silence to the booth.

Michael flicks his eyes toward me worriedly, but even if I wanted to give him a look of sympathy in return, the contact our eyes make is much too quick. Probably too quick for him to even be certain that I was aware of it. As if it never happened, he slides into the booth beside Milly and I'm forced to sit by myself across from them.

"You wouldn't dare," he says through gritted teeth and she smiles.

"I would, so shut up."

Michael rolls his eyes and leans over her, practically falling onto her, to pinch a menu at the end of the table between his two fingers. When he settles back down into his seat, he flips it open to scan the pages, once again pretending not to be as knowledgable of the place as he actually is, "Well, you definitely owe me pizza for scaring me then."

My stomach sinks at the realization that I made plans that involve money yet again without actually having any money. This is becoming such a reoccuring thing that it's even annoying me. Yet Milly laughs lightheartedly and sarcastically, plucking the menu from his hands.

"You know I don't have any money," she puts it back where it belongs with a sigh, "And besides, you owe me pizza for your endless torment about Cooper."

"I don't have any money either," I admit, even though the conversation is occuring without any regard to me being there in the first place. Milly just needs to give it up with my brother already and date Michael because they are proving to me more and more to be annoyingly meant to be, always bickering like an old couple.

The two of them turn toward me, Michael looking playfully annoyed and Milly appearing grateful that she isn't the only one. He looks from me to her in disbelief, his mouth open slightly and his eyes narrowed. If it weren't for the smell of pizza wafting out from the kitchen probably calming him, he looks like deep down he wants to kill us.

"You guys invited me. I was expecting free pizza!"

At the same time that I apologize, Milly tells him to shut up. I get the idea that she knows that, although annoyed, he isn't going to pass up pizza even though he has to pay for it.

"Fine, but I'm choosing the toppings," Michael huffs, giving in quickly as expected. Milly, however, doesn't look pleased. I don't understand why, but she soon speaks up to explain her distaste.

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