Chapter 13

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The rest of the week went by as smoothly as it could for someone in the situation that I was in. I had varying dreams, all with Luke as the attacker, but I practiced what I was taught and changed the ending every time. By Friday, it became a routine. A horrifying, tiring routine, but a routine nonetheless.

I had avoided telling Cooper about the 'date' at all costs because I knew he would freak out over the mere idea of me being in the same room as Luke and Ashton, let alone going out with them. That's also precisely why I forgot to mention that they had classes with me every time he would mindlessly ask me how school was going. So, basically, he hasn't a clue about anything that's going on, and I'm sure if I like it that way or not.

The more I think about the upcoming date, the more I realize how frightening it actually is. I'm about to spend time alone with Ashton and Luke, two of the biggest inconsiderate assholes I know. One of which forced himself on me and the other claims he cares about me, but was a wingman to Luke every time he would hurt me in the past. It's really starting to look like an even worse idea than it had to start with, which I didn't think was possible.

When I come down the stairs dressed and ready to go that Saturday, Cooper is there in the living room, being disgustingly cute and cuddly with his girlfriend. I consider ways that I could get around telling him now, as he is going to be sitting right there when I leave. I'm not one for scheming or lying, though, unfortunately. I decide that the universe is forcing me to tell him.

"Hey Lily," I give Cooper's girlfriend a tight-lipped smile. She giggles as he plays with her long, brown hair and my heart sinks in my chest. It's not that I hate Lily. In fact, in the time I knew her, we got along really well. It's just that I hate her relationship with my brother because he actually cares about her, and it only reminds me of how much I was lacking in both having him care about me as a sister and having another boy care about me like he did her.

"Mads!" She gives me a big smile, moving Cooper's hand away from her face and playfully sticking her tongue out at him. My stomach churns at the sight of him giving her a peck on the lips, and I hope to God I don't have to see anything more.

"Mads!" He immitates her excited expression before pointing to the stairs, "Leave."

"Cooper," Lily scolds, smacking him lightly in the face before turning back to me. He wraps his arm around her and looks at me too, but sends me a death glare.

"I'll actually be leaving soon," My voice is raspy and my throat is dry. He wants me gone anyway and I'm much too nervous of what his reaction will be if I tell him, so maybe I'll make it out of the house alive.

"Ooh! What plans do you got?" Lily smiles knowingly act me. Fuck. She thinks she knows, but she actually has no idea what I'm feeling in this moment.

"I'm going out with some friends," I try, hoping it will be sufficient enough for the both of them. Not to my surprise, though, Cooper's eyes narrow instantly.

"Who?" When he speaks it sounds like there are daggers in his voice, being shot straight at me. In my mind, I'm already on the floor, dead.

I take in a deep breath. Maybe telling him will be a good thing. He could call the whole thing off, maybe beat Luke up like I've been wanting to, and I won't have to go to this stupid thing and feel unsafe the entire time.

"Luke and Ashton."

Cooper's eyes fill with rage the moment their names escape my lips. His nostrils flare and his face even appears to be a light shade of red, but he doesn't say anything. There's a long pause as I wait for his response.

"You know what? Fine," He growls suddenly, startling me. Lily looks more confused than scared, staring up at him with her eyebrows knit together, "I fucking told you to stay away from them. But clearly you don't know how to listen, so when they fuck you over don't come crying to me."

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