Chapter 16

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The bell rings to signal the end of the day and Luke and I walk out of study hall together. Even though he has to go to his locker to get his stuff for practice, he insists on going to mine with me too. We're silent all the way there and I uncomfortably grab my stuff while he watches me. Well, this was going to be an awkward afternoon. 

"So, I have to go to the locker room to change first," Luke says finally, pulling his bag over his shoulder. His eyes flick toward me, awaiting my reaction. I'd forgotten all about that. For some reason, I figured we'd just be going out to the field despite the fact that he was wearing skinny jeans and a band shirt.

"Right, I'll just, uh," my voice cracks, "I'll wait in the library or cafeteria or something." 

"You can come in," Luke laughs and my eyes widen instinctively. This was definitely going to be an awkward afternoon. "The guys won't care."

"Don't you guys like, get naked and shower and stuff?" I ask, embarrassed the moment the words leave my mouth. Luke starts laughing even harder and I cover my face with my hand, my cheeks getting hot.

"After. That's after practice," He's still chuckling and I give him a small, flustered smile, "You don't have to come in for that. Unless you want to."

I start to say that I'd just rather sit out of both locker room visits, but Luke is already pulling me through the doors. Even though I know they aren't, it feels like everyone is looking at me the moment I step in. The majority of the guys in there are half-naked and I want to cover my eyes but I'm afraid if I do I'll run into one of them. I'm glad I can hold my breath, though, because it smells much too strongly of body spray.

We finally get over to Luke's locker and Ashton is already there with his back toward us, in nothing but his underwear. What's even worse is he's talking to my equally revealed brother. I fight the urge to puke and look back over at Luke. Unfortunately for me, he's already started undressing too. Where the fuck do I even look?

"Hey man," Luke pats Ashton on the back and he turns his head with a smile. They've both thankfully begun putting their shorts on.

"Hey, Lu--Whoa, Maddie, fuck!" He is apparently startled by my presence, tripping as he begins pulling them on and falling back into the lockers. He steadies himself and puts the rest of his clothes on quickly while Luke laughs at his expense. I even let out a giggle myself. Cooper, on the other hand, looks up at the mention of my name looking furious.

"What the fuck?" He glances from me to Luke, his mouth open slightly and his eyes narrowed, "What is she doing here?"

"Luke is the only one who decided to tell me you guys had practice today," I answer, even though he clearly wants to talk like I'm not actually there. I keep my eyes focused on Cooper's face because he still hasn't decided to put any clothes on. He looks even angrier than ever, so I decide not to mention the fact that I'm hanging out with Luke just yet. "Ashton is my only ride home."

"Sorry," Ashton mumbles as he leans down to tie the laces of his cleats. 

"So ride the bus home!" My brother raises his voice before I'm able to accept Ashton's apology. I cross my arms over my chest and try not to roll my eyes at him.

"I don't even know the bus number."

"Then at least not come into the fucking locker room," He breathes deeply through his nose, shaking his head and finally taking his shorts out of his bag. I look over at Luke, but he doesn't look at me or say anything, but pretends to be looking for something in his locker. Well I guess we know who is afraid of who in that friendship.

"You've taken Lily in here a number of times," Ashton stands up and shuts his locker, an aggrivated look on his face. They'd apparently made up but were still obviously on bad terms. He's the only one of them fully dressed, putting his arm around my shoulder, "I'll take Maddie out to the field since you've gotta be such an asshole."

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