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Justin POV
So I went to McDonald to buy Agatha a float then I saw Selena working at the counter. I approached her .

Me:"hi. (Smiles)

She looks at me

Selena POV
Someone calls me . When i look, oh my god it's Justin ! .

[ 🎼Intro before the first verse only: Now That I Found You - Nikki Flores 🎼]

Selena:"Justin . (Smiles widely) what can I get for you today ?. Oh, are you here for your shirt ?."
Me:"oh . You know what , keep it as a remembrance from me ."
Selena:"oh . Thank you. (Smiles)."

Agatha:"what take you so long , Justin ?."

I look back and I saw Agatha with a shopping bag , I guess she already bought the shoes she want.

Agatha:(smiling)oh . Hi , Selena . You worked here ?. That's too bad , wasn't it ?."
Selena:"why , there's nothing wrong working here. I like it here. "
Agatha:"yeah. You really had such a low taste and anyway I need a float and how about you , Justin ?."
Me:"(eyebrows rised)what ?."
Agatha:"do you want something to eat ?."
Me:uhh.. no . I'm good ."
Agatha:"are you sure ?."
Me:"yeah ."
Agatha:"(to Selena)okay , just get me a float and can you just pay it for me ?."
Selena:"but Agatha , I don't have any money . I just brought some for my ride home ."
Agatha:"so ?."
Agatha:"I need to go . C'mon , Justin."
Me:"what about your float ?."
Agatha:"can you wait it for me ?.
Me:"why , where are you going ?."
Agatha:"powder room."
Me:"oh, okay."

She left and I talk to Selena .

Me & Selena:"you know her ??."
Me:"(smiles)oh sorry.."
Selena:"(smiles)you go.."
Me:"no, you first.."
Selena:"no, it's alright." (Smiling)
Me:"what happened to ladies first ?.(smiles)."

She smile and stop for a second .

Selena:"I'll go first."
Me:"good girl."
Selena:"umm.. is she your girlfriend or something ?."
Me:"well, yeah ."
Selena:"since when ?."
Me:"just yesterday. "
Selena:"yesterday ??."(Shocked)
Me:"yeah. Why."
Selena:"uhh.. we've been friends since we're little ."
Me:"you do ??."
Selena:"yeah . But she's never been nice to me. Well, sometimes she is but in the next few minutes she'll be like "Selena, get me this, buy me that,do this and that." And saying things that puts me down like "I'm beautiful than you . My mom is rich and yours not." but I'm used to it.(smiles)."
Me:"I never thought that she's like that."

McDonald's crew:"here's your float."
Selena:"oh. Here you go,sir."
Me:"thank you . Here . (Hand the cash)."
Selena:"oh thank you. I thought I'm going to walk home .(Smiling)."

I smiled at her .

Me:"here . I'll be the one who'll pay for this . (Walk away and search for a table)."
Selena:oh, thank you, Justin. You're a life saver."
Me:"why, you don't have your own car ?."
Selena:"well, I'm still earning but it's not that much."
Me:"oh . Don't worry . You'll get a car someday."(smiles)
Selena:"I hope so."
Me:"I'll be going now."
Selena:"okay . Bye." (Smiles)

My Very Own Christmas Love (Justin Bieber And Selena Gomez Story) [Jelena]Where stories live. Discover now