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[ 05:00 PM ]

Justin POV
Ohh.. my head.. I can't move my body..

I open my eyes.

what's all this ??:

I take off the thing that helps me breath Infront of my nose and mouth .

Where am I ?? . Christmas lights ??. Is it Christmas now ???. What month is it ??.

I look at the dextrose that sticks in my hand .

Am I in the hospital ?? . Oh . Yes . I remember that I got accident because of Agatha . Fuck that stupid bitch ! I don't want to see her anymore In my life again ! .

What is this ???. I feel all pressure . I feel so stress and my body is hurting like hell . My wounds are giving me so much pain . What's happening to me ?? . It's like I'm angry .

I sat on my bed and cover my ears both of my hands while I'm facing down .

All the pressure.. I.. can't..take.. it.. no longer !. Make everything stop !! .

Me:"(screams at the top of his laughs)ahhhhh !!!!!. I hate everything !!!! .

Kris:"(rushed into Justin's room) Justin !. (Ran to Justin to calm him down.) Justin . Shhh.. (holds both Justin's hands.)

Me:"I hate everything !!!!!. Stop everything !!!!!.
Kris:"no, Justin. Everything is gonna be okay."
Me:"no !!!!.
Kris:"nurse !!. We need help !!!.
Me:"no, get off me !!!!!.

Nurses and the doctor rushes to Justin's room .

Mrs.Pattie:"what's going on ??."(heard screams from Justin's room)(stops) Justin ?."(ran to Justin's room)."

Me:"I hate you !!!! I hate all of you !!!."
Kris:"what are you going to do to him ??."
Doctor:"this is just a medicine that makes him sleep ."
Kris:"what ? no !!. He's been sleeping for two months and I don't want that to happened again !!."
Doctor:"he's gonna be okay. There's nothing to worry about."
Kris:"no, stop !."

The doctor was about to inject Justin when:

Mrs.Pattie:"Justin ?."

I stop screaming when I heard my mom's voice . I look at her directly .

Me:"mom ?."

[🎼1st verse and chorus only:Purpose - Justin Bieber🎼]

Mrs.Pattie:"(went to him)(crying)."

We hug each other . Men , I haven't seen my mom since I turned 18 . It's been 3 years we didn't seen each other so that's why when I saw her she helps me calm down . I missed her so much but she's here now . I never felt so happy like this .

Me:"(crying)mom, I missed you."
Mrs.Pattie:"I'm so sorry . I haven't visited you before."(crying)
Me:"it's okay , mom . At least you're here now. You've been my Christmas wish , mom . I wish that I can see and hold you again . It all came true now .
Mrs.Pattie:"I'm sorry, Monkey."
Me:"no, it's okay but don't call me that mom, we're in public."

I stop and stare at my mom and I smiled at her .

Kris:"dude, you're back .(smiling)"
Me:"look, sorry man, if I shouted at you ."
Kris:"don't let it happened again ."

Doctor:"looks like everything turned out okay .(smiles)
His record is from August 08  to December 24, 2016 @ 06:45 pm . I'm glad that didn't take a year for you to be awaken, boy. (Smiles)
Me:"are you kidding me ??. It's December now ??? ."
Doctor:"you're we're in a coma for two months and you're the only patient I know that sleeps just for two months because most of all comatose patient last for 5 to 9 months but him, (laughs) he surprised me . Well , it's Christmas maybe there's someone been wishing that hopefully you will wake up soon . We never know who made that wish but I'm sure if she or he sees you , I can tell that this is gonna be her or his best Christmas eve ever .(smiles)
Me:"I can tell who wishes this but that was very meaningful advice , doc . thank you ."
Doctor:"you're welcome . Justin, keep surprising people."(smiles)
Me:"I will , doc."
Mrs.Pattie:"can he go home soon , doc ?."
Doctor:"oh yes . If there's nothing wrong with him . Justin, are you feeling okay ?."
Me:"oh , I'm fine . "
Doctor:"tomorrow , he can go home ."
Me:"tomorrow ?? It's Christmas eve , I can't lay like a potato here ."
Doctor:"okay. Sure . You can go out and celebrate Christmas eve but you're not going home to your house yet . You're still sleeping here . I'm just allowing you to go out because it's Christmas eve but don't drink and don't smoke just take everything slow and careful and don't let tom's eats Jerry for awhile if you know what I mean.(laughs)
Me:"(laughs)no sir.

Kris and mom laughs too .

Doctor:"(laughing)okay son, have a Merry Christmas."
Mrs.Pattie:"thank you , doc."

Mom and the doctor went outside to talk .

My Very Own Christmas Love (Justin Bieber And Selena Gomez Story) [Jelena]Where stories live. Discover now