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Justin POV
She's nice but I'm not really into her . I need to go home now . So I get out of the rest room and head to the exit glass door .

Darn it ! . I'm so cold ! . I'm not wearing anything underneath, just my jacket that's why it's freaking cold ! .
I almost forgot I should buy a hot chocolate and I need to take home some food too . A lot of it because I'm always hungry when the weather is cold . So I'm going to buy a lot of foods . 🍇🍎🍆🍈🍏🌽🍉🍐🍄🍊🍑🌰🍋🍒🍞🍌🍓🍖🍍🍅🍗🍘🍢🍔🍙🍣🍟🍚🍤🍕🍛🍥🍳🍜🍡🍲🍝🍦🍱🍠🍧🍬🍶🍨🍭🍷🍩🍮🍸🍪🍯🍹🎂🍼🍺🍰☕🍻🍫🍵 .

I think that's enough . It's time for me to go home .

The air conditioner is killing me..
I gotta get out of her .

I was out out of the mall . Man , the rain's still heavy out here . I need to get to my car now .

So I put on my hood and I hug the paper bag that I was carrying where my snack was , so it won't get wet then I ran to my car as fast as I could .

Finally I'm inside . I start it and drift off . Men , I lost the opportunity to be with the new girl but I met a different girl . Hmm.. selena . Never heard of her.

I finally in my room now . Darn that rain ! . I take off my jacket and shoes and socks and my pants and head to the shower .

I showered with hot water . I want to go to bed now .

[ 3 Minutes Passed ]

I stepped out from the shower with a towel around my waist and head to my closet .

I grab my pajamas because it's really cold , I don't have a choice . Then I lay down and pull my covers over my shoulders so only my head is showing. I'm sleepy.. .  okay, I think I'll have to shut my eyes now . what a Good night to sleep.. I smiled . Night night..

[ Rain Pours and Thunder Claps ] ⛈ ⛈ ⛈ ⛈ ⛈ ⛈ ⛈ ⛈ ⛈ ⛈ ⛈

Selena POV
I was in my room just laying on my bed with my blanket covered my body .

It's so cold .. wonder what Justin's  doing now ? . I think I'm inlove with him  . He never stop running in my mind ! . I wish we can be friends someday and hopefully in the future I can call be Mrs.. uhh . I forgot to ask his last name . Hmm.. maybe next time . I really wish that we can meet again , only his shirt is with me . I washed it here and it's hanging here inside my room where I can see it. I just hope he likes me.. oh Selena don't get your hopes up.. I'll just go to sleep now.. the weather is getting me sleepy anyway. Good night.

My Very Own Christmas Love (Justin Bieber And Selena Gomez Story) [Jelena]Where stories live. Discover now