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Jack's POV

I injected Mark with the red liquid and waited until he couldn't move, then injected him with the clear one. I said my goodbyes and went to get my mission statement. Mr. Hayborne stopped me after checking on Mark.

"Ross came by and said you were ready to leave. No crying I see, you weren't... planning something, were you?" he snickered and walked away. I looked around for my file but I couldn't find it... Ross must've hid it, he's such a dick. I got in the car with that bastard to head to the airport.

"I don't get what you saw in Mark... besides money. He's so basic, nothin' interesting at all..."

"You haven't lived with him for 4 years! You didn't listen to his deep, melodious voice, run your fingers through his fluffy, black hair..." I must've zoned out or something, because I woke up to Ross punching my shoulder,

"Wake up, lover boy! Do you remember your mission?"

"Maybe... If you didn't hide my fucking papers!" he looked at me confused,

"I didn't hide them... Anyway, watch over lady X and find out where she is shipping the goods. Join Matt and Ryan undercover to follow the shipment."

"Gotcha." He tossed me my bag as I got out of the car, "Go get 'em tiger!"

"Rawr." we laughed for a minute then I got on the plane.

I sat next to a woman, her name was Rose, she said she was a photographer, she showed me some pictures... she's really good! We talked for a little while when we heard the pilot yelling something over the walkie-talkie. Next thing I know the plane went up in flames, There was screaming and crying but then everything stopped... I was able to escape with a limp leg and a gash in my arm. No one else was as lucky.

I called Matt and Ryan, they came to pick me up. At least Lady X won't be expecting me. I stayed in the New York headquarters where the medical professor stitched up my arm, it hurt like hell but at least I'll have a badass scar! Headquarters is posed as a Videogame Store and has to be treated as such, it's my shift... uggghhhh. Nobody comes by so it's pretty easy.

I felt bad for all the people who died, I especially missed Rose... I decided to go to the memorial, I knew I would be included so I dyed my hair green, just incase family shows up, but not Mark... my poor Markimoo doesn't remember me...

I make my way over to Central Park but stopped by a flower shop to buy some flowers but some douchebag was holding up all the other orders by ordering 20 fucking bouquets! So I just pick up a couple balloons and candles instead. I place them next to the different pictures until I got to mine... wait.... Mark took those pictures, how did they get here?

I look around until I see Allison, my mentor when I worked with the agency, standing, next to one of my pictures, snickering. I sat in the back when the speech was going on but before I left I followed her to my picture, she was yelling in an irish accent at someone... Mark?! How the hell- Why does he remember me? Why is he talking to Allison?

"My son sure can pick 'em!" she elbowed Mark. Is she undercover as... MY MOTHER? What the fuck?!

"... Meet me at the Nutmeg's Cafe at 7." Why would she want to meet him- OH SHIT! The code! Mark would never tell her, he would never betray me... would he? I have to follow him to make sure. I swear I mixed the "Memoria Damnum" correctly, he shouldn't remember me... If he messed with it I swear to god, I'm gonna- I'm gonna...not do anything, hug him maybe, give him a kiss? Hold him and never let go- ugh, I'm getting distracted.

I followed him back to his hotel, I had to climb up 3 fucking stories to see him sitting in a towel on his bed with pink hair, playing on his laptop, probably playing some flash game or W.O.W. for all I know, that big doof. I smiled as I started climbing down which scared the shit out of me because I hate heights! I waited for him to hop into a cab, I can't help feeling awful, the only survivor, my fiance thinks I'm dead, and the Agency is on my ass even though they think I'm dead. Maybe I should stay dead... I look through the window to see Mark standing in front of some macho dude with a gun, I pull out a lethal infection of morphine, opened the door, and jabbed that fucker. He fell on top of me, I pushed him off and stood outside. Mark goes out the front door to see me smiling at him... he wasn't. He kind of just backed up, and stared.

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