I-I didn't do it.

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Mark's POV

Once Jack fell asleep I decided to cheer him up with chocolate chip cookies. I had made one batch already when I could hear whispering, the war has begun. Jack came up behind me, "Mornin, babe. Whatcha need?"

We ran around the mansion when, "Damn, girl!" I yelled, You ate the whole thing??" She walked back to her room. We walked back to the kitchen where there was a note, my phone rang and Jack dropped it,

"Hello? Who is this?"

"Danny, don't you remember? Meet me at the part and don't say anything to Jack or Elise."

"Okay. What time?"

"7:30 pm. Don't be late." He hung up,

"Alright, see you then. Buh bye." Ugh, what am I gonna do? Jack will know I'm lying, this kid is fucking 13! What does he want?

"Mark? Who was that?"

"No one, just a business call. I have to go, I'll be back soon." Nailed it! I left my phone on the counter and left.

I get to the park around 7:25 and even stopped for the hot chocolate and sat on a bench. My bright red hair should be a beacon for that fuck to find. He has a weird thing about meeting this way.

"Good evening, Mark." Daniel sat next to me, talking but not looking at me. I stayed silent. "Do you know why I called you?"


"To invoke fear. And to remind you of that special 'loan and contract' you signed over 14 years ago. Do you remember?"

"No." I was young with lots of money, I donated and loaned out a lot of it without thinking.

"Well, this loan was for a $50,000 bomb and the contract you signed? That made you responsible for if the bomb "accidentally" goes off." He smiled,

"Bomb?" A couple of FBI agents showed up, I stand, "W-What's going on?!"

"Mark Fischbach? You are under arrest for treason and the murder of Dakota Hayborne." They start cuffing me and Daniel starts crying,

"Thank god you showed up when you did. I thought he was going to kill me!" He cried.

"What?! What are you talking about?? He-he's lying!" I tried to shake free but they had a tight grip on me, they shoved me in the car and drove off. "I get a phone call!"

"You can call your lawyer when you get back-"

"No! I want to call my husband! This is all a big misunderstanding!"

"Sir, you will have to wait."

"No, I'll-"

"Please, sit still and stay quiet." I was silent the rest of the ride, but I couldn't sit still, treason and the murder of Jack's friend? W-What will he think of me? I-I didn't know! What if he wants a divorce? What happened to Elise? All these questions rushed through my head before I passed out because of the stressed.

I was awoken when one of the agents jerked me out of the car, "Sir, you have the right to remain silent, any-"

"I know. I know..." I stare down, "C-Can I have my phone call now? Please."

"Of course, sir. Right this way." A female agent grabbed my arm and led me to an office. I attempted to call Jack, but he didn't answer. I called again,

"Hello? Who is this?"

"Hey, baby. It's Mark."

"Mark? Where are you?"

"Don't freak out, but I'm in an FBI office. I-"

"WHAT?! Why? I'll be there in a minute!"


"Love you. Bye." He hung up,

"Love you too..." I whispered under my breath.

"Excuse me, sir. Please, follow me this way." The female agent walked me to a holding cell, "I am a big fan, by the way." She whispered,

"Oh uh, thanks."

"My name's Jocelyn Doyle, but everyone just calls me JD." She smiled, I gave a weak smile back then stared back at the ground. "Do you need anything? Water? A snack?"

"I-I need my family." She frowned and stared down. "I-I could use some water, please. Thank you." I tried to smile. She smiled a little and walked away.

10 minutes later Jack showed up running around and yelling,

"Fischbach? Where is Mark Fischbach? Where is my husband? Mark-" He ran over to the cell,

"Jack, where is Elise?"

"I left her with Suzie. What the HELL is going on?!"

"It's- It's complicated..."

"We have all day." He says, shaking the bars,

"Excuse me. Please don't do that." JD said quietly, holding a bottled water, handing it to me. "Please, follow me. You need to fill out some paperwork." She lead him away, right then an agent came in and took me to an interrogation room.

"Do you know why you are here, Mr. Fischbach?"

"I was told it was for treason and murder."

"That is correct."

"That is bullshit. I didn't kill anyone and I didn't commit treason."

"Did you give a loan of $50,000 to a local company?"

"I-I think so, I don't remember."

"That contract stated," He said pulling out a piece of paper, "That you gave out a loan of $50,000 to a small research lab. If that bomb were to go off then you were responsible. That bomb was used in a terrorist attack that claimed the life of a 19 year old boy named, Dakota Hayborne."

"And where did you get this contract?" I would never kill anyone, where would they have gotten the contract,

"Mr. Daniel Hayborne."

"A 13 year old boy!"

"His mother, Christine had kept a hold of that contract, along with your fingerprints on her dead body and your husband's prints on the IV used on your daughter containing the poison used to kill Christine, making you responsible for withholding evidence, the murder of Christine Hayborne and the attempted murder of your daughter, Elise Lyn."

"I would NEVER hurt my own daughter!!"

"But you would hurt someone else?"

"No! Never!"

"Would your husband" I looked down at the table, "No."

"You seem hesitant, Mark..."

"He would never hurt anyone!!" I slammed my hands on the table,

"Mark, do you have a short temper? Have you ever... hit your daughter or husband?"

"No... NO!"

"Did you kill Christine Hayborne?!" He stood up and slammed his fists on the table,

"I did! I killed her, I signed the contract, and I killed Dakota!" I cried, laying my head on the table. I didn't do it... I didn't do it. I... didn't... do... it...

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