Bold Hunters Mark

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Jack's POV

We had just gotten home when Felix called,

"Hey, How's Mark?" He tried to sound cheerful, but I could tell he was nervous and upset,

"He's fine."

"That's- That's good." He gave a fake chuckle,


"Umm... How's Elise? Is she good?"

"I think so."

"That's nice. Well... talk later, Jack. Goodbye."

"Bye." I hung up and tossed my phone on the couch. I still have a pounding headache and a stomachache that hurt like a bitch. I hop into the shower and try to calm down.

After I get out I see Elise on my phone, "What are you doing?"

"Nothing." She said staring at the screen,

"Elise," I grab it out of her had, "This is not nothing." I look at the screen, "Why are you looking up tattoos?" She smiled,

"Remember when I was 9? You told me if you ever got hungover you'd have to get a tattoo of my choosing." She took the phone back, "Well, dad. Congrats."

"You have no proof." I smirk,

"Oh yes, actually. I do." She pulled out a worn paper written in pink pen.

"What?" She handed it to me... "Damn. You got me."

"Yes, well. Mr. Hungover, you have to get this tattoo." She held up the phone, "It's called 'Bold Hunters Mark'. It looks awesome!"

"Wow, not bad." Uh boy, will Mark be surprised...

"Yep. Let's go."

"Wait, now?"

"Yeah. Now."

"C-Can't we wait?"

"Nope. Let's go. Now."



"Oh boy..." She chuckled and pushed me out the door.

Elise's POV

Oh my god. I just tricked Jack into getting a tattoo! What have I done?! I'll tell you what I did, I faked his signature with crayons and pink pen.

"I should have showered first..." He mumbled, looking at the ground, "I stink."

"Yeah." I giggled, jokingly.

"Oh wait... I did." He is out of it today.

I laughed, "Oh, I love you dad."

"Je t'aime aussi, citrouille." We got out of the car and I could tell he was nervous,

"Suck it up, you bubble blowin' baby!" He laughed and took a deep breath.

A couple hours and hundreds of memes later, "Nice. I love it." Jack smiled, looking at the new tattoo on his arm.

I laughed, "Yay!"

"Now, Elise. You do know you have to go to school tomorrow right?"

"Yeah." I look at the ground. We get home and I head straight to my room, I was exhausted and stressed and I just needed sleep. I woke up the next morning and got ready for school, I took a deep breath and got on the bus. Everyone was staring at me, I heard them whispering things like, "Her dad's a killer.", "I bet he hurt her." and "Her dad is in jail for being a little bitch." I covered my ears and cried, "Make it stop. Make it stop!" Myriam sat next to me and Emily looked back at us over the seat in front,

"Elise. Elise. Calm down." Myriam put her hand on my back, "What's wrong?"

"The whispering. Make it stop!"

"Elle... No one's whispering." Emily reached over and pat my head. I look up, everyone was talking to each other, no one was looking at me or anything. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," I used my sleeve to wipe my tears, "I'm fine."

"Are you sure?"

"I said I'm fine!"

"O-Okay." Emily sunk back down in her seat. We got to school and I went to class, I couldn't focus, all I could do was think about how to get Mark out.

"We are getting him out." I blurted out during lunch,

"What are you talking about? We can't do anything, especially not in school!" Myriam snapped at me.

"Brug din inde stemme." Emily said quietly,

"Elise! Du er sytten! Hvad har du planer om at gøre?" Myriam looked me in the eye like I was insane,

"Se ikke sådan på mig. Du fyre er computeren nørderne, gøre noget."

"Hvad ville vi gøre? Hack fængslet og forkorte sin straf?"

"Ja! Nøjagtig!"


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