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Mark's POV

I could hear Jack screaming from another room, yelling my name and apologizing. What are they doing to him?!? That woman walks in again,

"Do you hear that, Mark? Betrayal. That is the sound of a man thinking that his loved one HATES his guts. Terrific, isn't it?"

"Why?" My voice cracked from crying, "Why are you doing this? I'll- I'll give you the fucking code, is that what you want?!?!"

"Silly , Mark. You had your chance. This is for my own amusement, torture the ones who turned on me and the ones he loves." She snickers and leaves the room.

"COME BACK HERE! WE AREN'T FINISHED!!" It hurt to move, talk, or yell. Everything was sore, I couldn't take it, the heartache, the torture, the sheer exhaustion of it all.

I guess I must have fallen asleep, cause the next thing I remember I was in a clear room, it looks like it's made of glass, I could see Jack on the other side. I could see Jack talking and shouting, but I couldn't hear anything. Then all the sudden a jolt of electricity coursed through my body. The shocking pain made me tense up and tear up.

Jack's POV

They transported me to a glass room, Allison came on an intercom,

"Hello, Sean. How are you feeling?"

"What do you want, Allison??"

"Don't you want to know where Mark is?"

"What did you do to him? Where is he?!"

"Why, he's in front of you, silly!"

Mark was in an identical room right in front of me, I yelled for him but I don't believe he heard me. Out of nowhere he began shaking, like he was getting shocked, he was crying.

"Stop! Stop! You're hurting him! Leave him alone! Just kill me already!" They kept shocking him, he winced and cried in pain. There was a hole in the belts attached to the chair I was strapped to, I was able to tear it and unstrap the other. I started beating the glass trying to get it to crack and break. I started elbowing It before finding the weak point and destroying the whole wall, finally getting to Mark. I unstrapped him and took off the wires that were shocking him, I pulled him into a hug expecting him to push away but instead I was pleasantly surprised with him pulling me in even closer.

"Mark, I'm sorry. It's ok if you hate me, just know I didn't mean too." I cried into his shoulder hugging him as tight as I can, never wanting to let go.

"Jack, I don't hate you, you mean everything to me." He kissed my forehead and ran his fingers through my hair. I felt a hand on my shoulder, it gripped me and started pulling us apart but we held on tighter. I could feel them tearing us apart, we finally let go and I turned around to see two of Allison's goons. I was able to get a couple beatings on one before the other knocked me out. I don't think my head can handle that anymore.

Once again I wake up strapped to a chair. "Enough! What do you want, Allison?? Why is it so important for you to destroy my life?! Why won't you just kill me??"

Allison came over the intercom, "You destroyed my job, the Agency, and my life! It's only fair I destroy you. What better way than to destroy the one you love, as you did to me."

"Dakota dying wasn't my fault and you know that!"

"You didn't try to help him though, did you?!"

"Allison, he died during the blast, there was nothing I could do. He was gone before I could help him and I carry the weight of that decision everyday of my life."

"He was 19 years old, Sean! My baby was on his first mission when YOU sent him to defuse that damn bomb!"

"I tried to tell him not to go in, but he was determined to make you proud. He was a smart kid, Allie..."

"Don't 'Allie' me!" She walks into the room holding a gun. "You didn't try to save him, you didn't run after him and you didn't call me..." She was hysterical.

"We both knew it was too dangerous, he cuffed me to a pole outside! I had no choice. I loved Dakota like a brother, we grew up together." I slowly twisted my wrists and unstrapped myself.

"No, Sean! You should have told me what happened! We could have prevented this! I didn't even get to say goodbye..."

"I couldn't call you, I couldn't talk to you knowing I could have prevented this somehow. I just hoped that I could have made this better."

"There is no 'making this better', Sean." She cocked the gun. "I can only get rid of the memory." I jumped out of the chair and grabbed the gun, emptying the magazine in the process. Its right She landed a couple hours right before I pinned her to the ground with my forearm over her neck.

"We don't have to do this, Allison." I choke, staining to hold her underneath me.

"Get off me, Sean!" She reached for the gun, rolling on top of me. I pushed her off, grabbing the gun myself. I struggle to refill the magazine, I hear a click, so does Allison, We fought swinging, scratching, and kicking when suddenly, BANG. And silence. I could hear whimpering and silent sobbing. "Dakota..." I couldn't help but cry myself, I killed a son and his mother. I tried to stop the bleeding, but she was already gone. I stumble around the facility looking for Mark.

I find him passed out, he wakes up as I unstrap him. "Jack?! Are you alright? That's- That's blood! What's g-going on??"

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