Chapter 1

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started a Joshifer Fanfiction!!! I hope you guess like it. I've been reading a lot of Joshifer Fanfictions and I thought I should write one of my own. Please vote and comment it would mean alot. And please just tell me what you think. Anything you don't like or would want me to fix please feel free to tell me. I would like to dedicate this chapter to JoshiferShipper4ever. If I hadn't read her story I wouldnt feel inspired to write this Fanfiction.   Hope you guys like it!!!

~~~If you can, can you also check out my other books. If you like zombies one is about a zombie apocolyps and the other is a Katniss and Peeta Fanfic. ~~~  


Jennifer's POV 

I finally walk into my apartment. Agonized of todays shoot. It's six o'clock but it's dark out. I close the door and quickly walk to my couch. I drop my myself on it. I lean my head back and close my eyes trying to relax. Next thing my phone started to ring. I shout out a long grunt. What now?

I look at the screen of my phone and it turned out to be Josh. I answer the phone and lift it up to my ear. "Hello." I say.

"Sup Jen you seem tired." He says in the most energetic voice. "Let me think, while your out relaxing I'm busy acting." I tell him. He gives a short laugh. "Well relaxing time is over for me. I'm going tomorrow on set." He says. It has been three weeks since Josh and I acted together. The last scene we acted together was when Peeta got rescued from the Capitol. "Great," I answer back to him.

"So it's been a while since we hanged out. Do wanna have dinner tonight? You know to see my best friend again?" he says playfully. "Ya sure where do you want me to meet you?" I say.

"Nah it's alright I'll just give you a ride," he says. "Well someones a gentlemen today." I say giving a short laugh. He also gives a small giggle as well. "Ok then I'll be at your apartment at 7 o'clock." He says and the phone hangs up. 

This is not really my apartment. The franchise is letting me using it while I'm in Atlanta shooting Mockingjay. It's been a few weeks since we started shooting. The only time I've every had free time was new years and Christmas. Though I don't really mind acting. It feels cool to been someone else and be put into there eyes and there shoes so that no one exactly knows that character exept yourself and of course the person who made up that character. 

I get dressed to go out with Josh. I put on some white skinny jeans with a black shirt that shows my right  shoulder and some high heels. I recive a text from Josh. 'already outside come out.'  I quickly grab my purse then head downstairs. 

I see josh stading in front of his car. "Josh!" I yell like a little girl, with my arms open towards him. "Jenn!" He says back to me. I give him a big hug without letting go. When we finally pull apart he says, "Jenn it's so nice to see you again!"

"You too!" And we hug again. He lets go and opens the door to his car for me. "Wow what have you done to the Josh I know?" I say jokly. He gives a short giggle. "What I can't be a gentleman to you."  He defends himself. "Well it is the first for me." I say and I enter the car. He gets onto the driver seat and he starts the car and we drive off.

We arrive at the resturant. It's a pretty classy resturant. We go up to the stand with a women with a red vest and black colar shirt. "Josh Hutcherson for two." Josh says to the woman. She scrolls on the screen that is attachted to the booth. "Hutcherson table for two." She looks up and gives out a little yelp. She recognizes who we are and smiles. She bits her whole bottom lip. I can so tell that she just wants to scream but she is trying to act profesional. Of course I knew that would happen, she is a women in her young twenties to my perdiction. 

"Right this way." She leads us to our table. she grabs two menu bars and sets on the table. "Here you go. And I'll be right back in five minutes to have your orders," and she leaves.

Confused I look at Josh but he doesn't notice me looking at him because he's to focused on the menu. He finally realizes me staring at me. "What?"

"You had reservations?" I say kind of flattered he would make a reservation for us. Maybe it wasn't for me?

"no...I'm kind of in the mood for steak. How about you?." He says quickly. He coughs between the two words no and I'm.  He picks up the menu bar trying to hide himself behind it. I grab it and push it down so he won't hide himself. I know him better, he's hiding something. I raise my eyebrows and look at him. "Who was the reservation really for?" I ask.

He gives out a sigh but finally answers. "I was actually sopose to bring claudia here but things didn't work out." He says. "I'm sorry, what happen you guys got into a fight or something?" I say. Maybe that wasn't really a good thing to ask? What if I made things worse? Made Josh think about it more?

"Actually we broke up." He says sadly hardly looking at me in the eye. "What?" I say with a sigh. "No but it will get better I mean she would come back. " I say trying to cheer him up. But Josh didn't seem to be effected. Instead he looked even more sadder. "I don't think so. It was her who broke up with me." Ya i did made things worse. What did I do? Nice going Jenn, I say to myself. 

"But why didn't you tell me sonner?" I ask.  Josh and I are like best friends. Were like to pees in a pot. "I-I was just to emberessed to tell you." He says. "But why? You can tell me anything." I say back. ""It was just to hard. I was actually stupid enough to think that she was the right one for me. But who knows maybe the right person for me can be closer to me than I think." He explains. 

"Ya like look at me and Nick. We were both not even close friends and look at us now." I tell him with a smile hoping he will give one back to me and he did. "But I'm really sorry." I still tell him.

"It's ok. So going back to our original conversation what would you like to have right now?" Josh asks me with a forced smile and I give a smile back. I look into the menu and I don't know exactly what I want. 

I couldn't decide what I wanted until the waiter came. "So what can I get for you both today?" The waitress asks us with a small booklet in her hands. "I would like a steak, well done, and can you put a salad instead of the mushrooms." Josh tells the waitress.  

"Sure." The woman says while scribbling Josh's order in her booklet. She then turns to me. "I would like ravioli with white sauce instead of red with garlic bread on the side." I tell the woman. "Would that be all?" The woman asks. Josh nods at her and he grabs my menu bar and hands it to the waitress.  She turns and head towards the kitchen.

"What about our drinks?" I ask Josh. "Don't worry I got that covered." He waves his hands at me with a smile. In just a few minutes a man comes to us with a cart. When I get a better view I see a bucket with ice and a bottle of champagne laying on it. I give a large smile. He sets two glass cups and the champagne on the table. "Enjoy." He tells us before leaving. 

"Champagne?" I ask. "What I told you it was a dinner for me and you know who. You didn't think it wouldn't be fancy. And besides I already ordered this so lets just enjoy it." He tells me. "Ok then." I say with a smile.

We eat dinner. We laugh a lot. This is like one of those dinners when your best friend broke up with someone and then you guys have one of those girls night or boys night but tonight is just me and Josh. Hanging out and laughing again. He seems to be taking this break up thing pretty well. I remember my other best friend, Lora. When she broke up with her boyfriend it was tears for a week.

I actually missed Josh. I haven't had anyone to make me laugh as much as he did. Nick is in England visiting his parents. I was with him in New Years but I had to come back. He stayed. We talk on the phone but it's mostly just small talks like 'how are you' and 'nice to talk to you' mostly. The longest time we've talked was about five minutes when I told him about my accident on set. That I almost died. I haven't talk to him since last week. I don't know why he won't talk to me. He just sends me texts saying 'sorry very busy. I'll try to call you later if I can. Love you." He texts me the same things every three to five days.

When we finish eating we go back to my apartment. We say goodbye and give out a nice big hug. Josh even resorted to picking me up from my feet. I head upstairs and the first thing I do is go straight to bed. I'm exhausted.          

A Love that's Hard to Find: Joshifer FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now