Chapter 24

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Josh's POV

I lye in the couch doing nothing. In complete darkness I look up at the roof. Silence takes over. Then it breaks by a beep of my phone. A text from Sam.

I'm outside come n open the gate-Sam

I get up. My body feels so stiff from being in the same position for hours. When I reach the gate I see Sam. He wears a t-shirt with shorts and sandles. He looks so Sam like. "Hey what happened last time. You ditched me." He says.

When he finally sees the expression of my face he stops with the lecture. "Something wrong?" He asks with a frown. "Come inside, I'll tell you."

Were in the apartment already and I lead him to the kitchen. He sits on the table while I get him a drink. I sit on the other end. "So whats wrong?" He asks once again.

I sigh, "Jen and I broke up." He sits up from his chair. "What? Why?"

"You know how she was cheating on me?" I say. "Ya."

"I was going to forgive her and talk to her but when I saw her actually kissing him I felt so angry. I just couldn't do it anymore." I say. "But Josh you love her." He says.

"I know I just couldnt stand the thought knowing she was with me and with him at the same time. He probably knew Jen and I were together. " I say.

"Are you sure? Because Jen is not someone whos a cheater." He says. "Yes I'm sure I saw her and Nicholas kissing. With my two eyes I saw them both." I say. I take a large gulp from my soda  preventing myself to choke in tears.

"What if he kissed her?" He says. I get a little upset at his suggestion. "He didn't! They were both kissing eachother!" I raise my voice.

"I'm just saying. Did she tell you it was him?" He asks. "Yes." I mutter. "Then?" He says. "Look this is the second time I saw them together. It's enough prof to belive she was cheating on me." I explain

"But Josh what if they were just having luch as friends." He says. "Psh ha that's funny. Yeah having lunch as friends, on Valentine's day, then started kissing. Yeah that sounds sooo friend like." I say really sarcastic.

"Yes its possible. What if she was just being his friend. Look try too put yourself in Nicholas's shoes." He says and I frown. If I were Nicholas I would go kill myself. No, I can't say that. I won't kill myself, that's too far. Instead I would beat myself to the point of insanity.

"If you broke up with a woman you loved wouldn't you still like to be friends with her. Even though you can't hold her, or kiss her, or be with her, wouldn't you atleast want to see her. What if that kiss was like what you did." He says. I sit up.

"It was different in my case." I say.

"How? If you compare both they seem pretty similar. Jen was with someone and it was neither of you. And both of you just couldn't hold the urge to hold yourself so you kissed her." As much as I want to disagree with him it does add up. Our situation are pretty similar.

He continues with his statement, "what happened when you kissed Jen, he broke up with her right and look what happened, she ended up with you. Someone else that wasn't him. So are you going to do the same mistake? Are you going to just let her go?"

I sigh and look at the floor. "If you let her go just like Nicholas did you might loose her to him. And he would win." He says. Why does this man have to be such a genius. "Ya maybe your right." He smiles when I say that. He gets up and walks up to me.

He lifts ne up from my chair. "Ok we are going to get you washed up, and then we are going to Jen's apartment, and then you would say sorry to her. You both are going to talk about it and work things out. Then you will both be happy together again" He steps back and claps his hands together. Then he raises them in the air. "And you both will go back to being that weird couple. Happy ending." He has a huge smile of encouragment. I nod and I smile to.

"Ok." I say all happy. "Let's do it!" He says back.

Jennifer's POV

I'm so bored. I aleady finished with the scenes I had to do today. Lora is busy so I asked Jena if she would want to cone over. She agreed.

She finally arrieves. I open the door for her and walk back to the couch. "How are you taking this?" She asks. You can already see my feeling by the expression  of my face. "Lora told me so you don't have to explain everything to me." She says. "Thanks," I say. Lora saved me there. I can't explain anything anymore.

The most person it took me to tell was Blain. All he did wad get mad and he kept suggesting he would come here from Kentucky and beat the crap out of Josh. so begged him not to. For anything this is all my fault. I caused this.

"How come you didn't go to the BAFTA Awards?" She asks me. I sigh, "I wasn't in the mood and I had to work." I explain. "I saw you won an award." She says smiling. I nod. I look away. All I can think about is Josh. I can't get him out of my mind. I can imagine what we would be doing if all this didn't happened.  He would have been here, next to me, holding me in his arms. 

"Jen...Jen!" I come back. I realize I was zoned out. "Sorry I zoned out for a second." I say.

She starts to giggle a little, "a second? It was like five minutes." 

"I'm sorry I"m just not taking things good right now." I tell her. "You need to forget about Josh. It was his lose. Here." And she grabs my phone. "What are you doing?" I ask her. "Can you come over at 7?" She says the text outloud. "Who your texting Josh?" I ask. I hope she is because I would never be able to have the nerve to. 

"Nope, it was Nicholas." She says. "What! No!" I say trying to reach for my phone but she moves back. And he texts back. "Wow he texts fast." She says. "I'll be there he says. Awww and he said I love you." I roll my eyes. 

"Ok so I'll be leaving so you two can have some alone time." She says heading to the door. "I don't want Nick I want Josh." I mourn. "Too late in twenty minutes it will be seven." And she leaves. 

I grab my phone and reply back.

Sorry not today maybe next time.

My tumb is on top of the send. I have seconds thoughts. Maybe he should come? Why not? I'm not going to do abything bad. I shouldnt worry. I delete every word I texted and put my phone on the take. 

I gaspe. 


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