Chapter 20

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Josh's POV 

I drive to Lydia's house. I'm going to ask him about Andre. She has something to do with Andre's crash. I'm going to ask her questions. I watched CSI, Cold Case, and Law and Order. I studied them so I'm highly qualified. Who am I kidding. I'll just wing it. I have a nice lether jacket and sunglasses. So look like a detective. I look awesome.

I park on her drive way and knock on the door. It takes her two minutes to answer it. "Josh. What are you doing here?" She asks surprised.

"May I come in?" I ask her. I take off my sunglasses and look at her in eyes. No more playing detective. I'm just a guy trying to find out what the hell happened to his brother.

She nods. "Uh ya sure. Come in." She says with a small worry in her voice. I walk in. She leads me to the couch. I sit down. "So what's up?" She says trying to act casual.

"I wanted to ask...don't lie to me please...if you were the one who caused Andre to crash?" I ask her.

Her reaction is a total surprise because she stands up and yells, "Joshua Hutcherson! You really think I would try to kill Andre!" She yells at me. I stand up. "How did you know his crash was on purpose? You only thought it was suicide" I say frowning.

"Umm...Josh please I need you to leave." She says. She can't look at me in the eye and she keeps scratching her nail. Aha that's a sign of lieing.

"No! I'm not leaving until you tell me what you know. Who tried to kill Andre!" I loose my temper.

She closes her eyes and takes drop breaths. "Ok I'll tell you what I think. I think it was Michael. The other day before Andre crashed he told me Micheal threaten him. He told him if he doesn't get away from me he would get hurt." She says. Her ex-boyfriend. That makes total sense. "Can I have his address?" I ask her.

"Ya here." She grabs any pen and paper ans starts to right down his address. "Thank you." I say and I rush out.


I park in front of Micheal's house. I knock hard on his door. He opens the door. "What the hell man!" He shouts.

"Shut up!" I push the door open and grab his shirt. I tackle him all the way to the wall. I grab his face so he can look at me. Then I punch him. I shake my hand because it kinda hurt from the punch I just gave to him. I raise my arm one more time. I punch him again.

"Why did you cut Andre's brakes?" I yell at him. He starts to panic. "I don't know what your taking about." 

"Don't lie to me! I know about the threat you told Andre!' I shout in front of his face. "Ok I did threaten him but I would never try to kill him." He cries out. "Then how do you explain his crash! The one that happened right after you threaten him?" I yell. 

"I don't know." He stutters. "Don't lie to me!" I yell. I punch the wall right next to his head that it causes a hole. He closes his eyes. "I was here taking care of my mother. She's sick." He says. I look over and an old woman comes with a cane, struggling to walk. "Micheal what's going on?" She asks. 

"Nothing go back to bed. Doctor said you shouldnt be walking." He says. The woman turns around. I loosen my grip but I still don't let go. "That's not an excuse," I say. It is harsh but I'm furiouse. If he was trying to kill Andre I can kill him right here right now. He quickly checks if his mother is there. "The doctor said she is going to die in less than a month. You think I would leave one second being without my mother for the last days." He spouts. 

"We can't affored a nurse so I have to be there 24/7." He says. I take one look at him. I let go. "I'm sorry." I say. He starts to tear up a little. He wipes the blood from his nose. Guess this is the first he realized he mother was dieing. "Just get the fuck out of my property." He scowls. I get out without another word. 


Man I feel like shit. I just beat up a guy who is innocent and his mother is about to die. Its red light so I slouch down on my seat. A beep. Its Jen.

'Hey sweety'-Jen

'hey :('-Me

'Something wrong???'-Jen

'Its nothing so wyd???'-Me

'Nothing just heading to therapy'-Jen

'ok I'll be home at 6 I'm going to visit Andre'-Me

'ok love you'-Jen

'love you to'-Me

Why is this dam light taking so long. I look over to my right and a car drives up. Its Jen! I smile at the sight of her. Wait. I should follow her. If she wont tell me who her therapist is then maybe I can see for myself. I put my sunglasses and look the other way. The light changes. She drives off. Good she didn't see me. I follow her. 

 I follow her. She parks the car. I park my car a far from hers. But not that far so I won't loose sight. I follow her having a good distance so she won't see me. She stops at a resturant. I'll surprise her. I see her walk to a table and the person who is also Nick. 

I stop and my mouth hangs open. So she is cheating on me? All that therapy shit is a lie? And I felt sorry for her this whole time? Nick gets up and hugs Jen. I can't belive she hugs him back. They sit down with smiles. Then Nick sees me. He looks at me with a smirk on his face. "What is it?" I hear Jen's voice. 

She turns. Before she can see me I hide behind the wall. I close my eyes and sigh. I run out of the resturant. I rush to my car. I slam the door. 

"Fuck!" I scream as loud and punch the wheel with my two fists. I put my forehead on it. I close my eyes and cluch the sides of it. "Why?" I whisper. A tear falls out of my eye. I put myself together and head to the hospital. 


I sit infront of Andre's bed. The door's close so I talk to him. Even though he's in a coma there might be a part of him thats still alive. Andre is not a someone who gives up. He's a fighter. Somewhere inside he's fighting to wake up and be with us agian. 

"Jen is cheating on me." I say. I look down. "I saw her with Nick," I mumble out. "I don't know what to do? I don't know what to say." I start to choke. "Thats why I need you to wake up Andre. Please wake up." I start to cry. I lost my best friend and now the woman I love is cheating on me. What more can happen. 

"I hope you can hear me in there. Somewhere. And I want you to know to don't stop. Keep fighting." I say. I leave afterwards. 

I head to a bar. If I can't drown my sorrows with Andre's words then maybe liqour would do the trick. I sit in the bar and drink. A tap on my shoulder and its Sam. "How you know I'd be here?" I ask turning back for another gulp. "You said you felt horrible so I took a wild guess." He says. He sits next to me. 

"So hows life?" He asks. "Life is a bitch. I lost my best friend and Jen is cheating on me." I choke. "Really Jen is cheating on you?" He says. "Yes Jen is cheating on me." I say. I look at him with a face. "I'm sorry." He says. 

"So what are you going to do?" He asks me. 

"I don't know." I reply. 


I hope you guys liked this chapter! Please comment and vote. Tell me what you think! 


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