Chapter 3

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Jen's POV

I walk to my trailer. I finally finished filming for today. I did a couple of scenes with Liam and stuff. When I arrive at my trailer I see Josh is there siting on the steps. "Hey Josh aren't you already finished with filming today?" I ask. "I am I just wanted to ask you if you wanted to go for a ride on my motorcycle?" I break into a huge smile. Josh has never took me for a ride on his bike. I never known how it's felt like to be on one. "Sure." 

"Ok then I'll pick you up at your apartment at 8:00" And he leaves.


It's five till eight. I put on some jeans and a t-shirt. As I put on my shoes a text from josh comes up. 'I'm here. Come downstairs.' I run out the door. The elevator opens and I go to the door. "Have a nice night Miss Lawrence." The door man says taping the edge of his hat in a polite greeting while opening the door. I wave at him goodbye. He's an elder man who is really sweet if you get to know him.

"Wow." I say. Josh's bike looks awesome. "You ready?" He asks and I nod. "here's your helmet." He gives me a helmet that is black. I put it on and jump on his bike.

Josh's POV

She gets on my bike fast. I turn it on and Jen jumps a bit by the sound it makes. She then puts her arms around me and we ride off. Jen holds on tight. Even if there's a red light she still holds on tight. I try to tell her not to be afraid but she says it's ok she would rather hold on hard then fall off. After a while she soon gets more comfortable and loosens her grip.

"Hey do you want to go up the mountain? It's up close and there's like this observatory. I heard it's pretty cool." I ask Jen. "Um...yeah sure, why not." And we go.

I park my bike and we go to the entrance. As we wait in line a girl in her teens stands in front of us with another girl that to my guess is her older sister because she doesn't look much older than her. The older one drops her phone and Jen bends down and grabs it. she hand it to her and she just smiles and stands still. I guess she knows who she is. She gives a short giggle with a shake and speaks softly. "th-thanks."

"No problem." Jen says and the girl turns slowly. I notice she stands in the same position for a while. "What's with you? Are you ok?" The other girl asks. She leans in her ear and whispers something. Jen take a glance at me and I just shrugs with a smile. Soon the girl turns around and gasps hard and turns around fast. "Oh my God." She says in her breath. "Oh my God." She says a bit more louder. When I take a closer look I see that she starts to bite her entire hand.

"I think you got a fan?" I whisper to Jen. Jen pats her shoulder and says, "Hey I'm guessing you are a fan of mine?" Jen asks her. The girl just stand there with her mouth open and stutters, "huge." 

"Would you like a picture?" Jen asks her and she nods. They take pictures and I also take some with them. The girl starts to tear up a bit and Jen and I both offer her a hug. 


"Wow this is beautiful." Jen says when she looks up at the sky. All the stars are noticeable up here. In the city all you see is the pitch black sky. But not as beautiful as you. I stare at Jen while she has her head looking up. It soon runs threw my mind. I quickly turn around and frown. Woah, were did that came from? Jen is just a friend.

"It's cold here," she says and she rubs her arms with her hands.

"Here," I offer her my jacket. "Why didn't you bring a sweater?" I say with a laugh. "Because I never thought it was going to be this cold." She says. "It's the season of winter, and were up in the mountain, at night? Did you really think it wouldn't be cold?" I say laughing as she just yanks my jacket from my hands. "Yes. Why not." She says joke fully. I just laugh.

We leave when it's about to close. When we got on my motorcycle Jen just quickly gets on. "Wow you must really love my bike." I say. "It's not that it's just so freakin cold here! Hurry lets go!" And I just get on with a laugh. She wraps her arms around me a weird sensation runs threw me. Like a a tiny tickle given to me. What the hell? And the feeling still goes on. What's going on? I never felt this way before. Weird? 

"Are we going to go or what?" Jen says in my ear. I haven't notice I've been still turning my helmet in my hands. Jen Is basically ready to go. I turn on my bike and we ride. I just frown thinking about what just happened. The whole way to Jen's apartment I'm thinking. What was that back there? I know I've felt this feeling before with other people I've dated but not like this.

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